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Mar 15, 2010
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Looking to expand upon kits I've made in the Winery Series, want to do either the AUS Pinot Noir or Cab/Syrah, the Pinot looks to be a good choice with the grapepack included and the fact that I only have 4 out of 60 bottles from my 2012 CC LR Sonoma Coast left. Has anyone made the Pinot kit or the WS Cab/Shiraz (never read anything about it here but RJS gives it a 5 for body) any good reviews?
Haven't made the Pinot but love the Cab/Sarah. Very oaky at 11 months but great flavors. Haven't met a WS kit I didn't lik5.
I started with all WE kits for the first couple years, then lost my LBS. Since then, I've been trying out CC showcase, and RJ's EP and WS as well. I don't have any of the RJ's kits bottled yet, but I am very impressed with the quality of the kits and how they're coming along so far at various stages. Very much looking forward to tasting the end results. CC looks promising as well, but it seems to me like the WE Eclipse line is eerily similar to, and most likely took all their notes from the CC showcase series, so I assume the quality will be very similar.
Looking to expand upon kits I've made in the Winery Series, want to do either the AUS Pinot Noir or Cab/Syrah, the Pinot looks to be a good choice with the grapepack included and the fact that I only have 4 out of 60 bottles from my 2012 CC LR Sonoma Coast left. Has anyone made the Pinot kit or the WS Cab/Shiraz (never read anything about it here but RJS gives it a 5 for body) any good reviews?

If you mean the Cellar Classic Winery Series you'll want to do the Super Tuscan, most here will tell you its one of the best kits anywhere.

I've made that one twice, the Old Vine Zin (good but really strong Raspberry notes), and the French Grenache Syrah (in the barrel now and very promising).

All reds in this line come with a grape pack. Its the goopy grape stuff, you'll either get one large jar or two smaller ones.

Eclipse kits come with dried skins.

In my case I barrel age and overall age two years before I drink them. Have not been disappointed yet after around 10 kits total between CCWS and Eclipse kits.
I got my 2 reds lined up for 2015: WE Eclipse - Barossa Shiraz and RJS Winery Series AUS Pinot Noir. Wanted to throw a Cab in somewhere and was thinking about the AUS Cab/Shiraz Winery Series instead. But I'm guessing the Barossa is going to be a more full-bodied kit based on sampling my first bottle of Eclipse LOdi OVZ recently. I do have a WS Supertuscan in the bottle after bulk aging one year but not sampled yet after only being in the bottle for 2+ months.

if you want something truly different make the spagnole sharaz /viognier it's outstanding in ever aspect of wine making.