RJ Spagnols Orchard Breezin Strawberry Riesling

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Senior Member
Jan 30, 2009
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I wanted to make this wine but I am wondering if the F Pac or any other part of it has apple juice in it. Does anyone know?
I dought it as I believe the f-packs are just inverted sugar and artificial flavoring. Are you allergic to apple?
I called and asked George earlier but wasn't able to answer when he called back.
Apples give me hives.
I would email the manufacturer. Just explain why you need to know. I have several food allergies and cringe when I see "natural & artificial food flavors" because that could mean almost anything, but I have no problem trying to find out the information. Who knows could be just fine. Another suggestion would be to make a strawberry wine and make a Riesling wine then blend the two together. Doing this you could have 3 different wines.
I have alot of food allergies, too. Mostly to fruit. Fortunately, grapes don'tbother me. I was thinking that too, the strawberry wine and riesling. I have a riesling going now.....all I need is a big batch of strawberry. Thanks!
Strawberries are in season (at least around here). I have wanted to make a strawberry wine but may have to wait until the vultures (my sons) move out. I would have to buy 3 times as much as I would need and hope they left me some.
I am trying to wait until mine are ready, which will be in about 2 months. We usually eat ours as we pick them. I'm going to look at Sam's club for frozen.