No fermentation

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Apr 25, 2021
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Newbie here and rehydrated my yeast with yeast booster, no fermentation after 16 hrs.....did I kill my yeast by mixing the 2 together ?
Newbie here and rehydrated my yeast with yeast booster, no fermentation after 16 hrs.....did I kill my yeast by mixing the 2 together ?
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your yeast will probably pull through, they are hearty little buggers. What you are saying is that you can’t identify bubbles/ evidence of fermentation at 16 hours. With a microscope you might be able to pick them out.
Probably not. Did you mix it into the juice? The yeast booster likely has compounds that help the yeasties grow, but not the food (sugar) required.
Yes I mixed it in and nothing yet....I'm trying to be patient and hope it fires up if not I may pitch a new batch of yeast after 48hrs.
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your yeast will probably pull through, they are hearty little buggers. What you are saying is that you can’t identify bubbles/ evidence of fermentation at 16 hours. With a microscope you might be able to pick them out.
Yes there is zero action that I can see and I'm new to this but I've got 5 other batches going and have never used the yeast energizer before and this is the only time I've had zero action within 12hrs. That's why I was wondering if it was to much for the yeast to handle. 🤷‍♂️
If you added the yeast energizer to the rehydration water it could cause damage to the yeast, but they may still pull through. It's definitely not recommended to add anything other than rehydration nutrients to the water, these are specifically formulated for use during yeast rehydration.
If you added the yeast energizer to the rehydration water it could cause damage to the yeast, but they may still pull through. It's definitely not recommended to add anything other than rehydration nutrients to the water, these are specifically formulated for use during yeast rehydration.
I have discovered that 🤣 whoops. Lesson learned and mixed a batch up this morning with same ingredients minus the booster and within 2 hrs it's going crazy !! Think I'm going to just pitch a new batch of yeast and let her do it's thing. Thanks