need help w stuck red wine

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Dec 1, 2013
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hey everybody, i have a red wine that i tried to get unstuck (has unpleasant rs taste) and it didnt work at all. used uv43 w goferm and everything, and it didnt seem to change, but now i think its starting to get volatile acidities in it. help me save it plz. thanks. the wine has le noir (i believe its a french rootstock in an old zin vineyard trained up out of a bush and into more of a vine), zin, alicante, petite syrah, and carignane. 2.5 gallons or so.
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thanks for replying. i dont know, i have so little of it im just goin by taste. it has a bit of a sweet taste, cant say.
Could not agree more. Get yourself a hydrometer and also get a wine thermometer.

You could try warming the wine up and, perhaps, give it a small dose of yeast neutrient.