Mystery Grape

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Jun 19, 2024
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Central SD
Hello, I am having trouble identifying a grape plant. Last winter my brother went as part of a college group to a commercial vineyard in Minnesota to help improve operations. At my request, he brought back some pruned branches on the ground beneath the vines. I was able to get one to root, but it appears nothing like my Frontenac, Valiant, or Marquette grapes. Additionally, it is at a size where I have seen tendrils grow on all other grapes that I have rooted, but still no tendrils are visible. I have never heard of or seen a grape without tendrils. Does such a thing exist? Is it possible that my plant is something other than a grape?


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Don't know what that is but just looking at the growth habit and the leaves it does not look like any type of grape leaf I have ever seen online or in the wilds.
Thank you so much! I've never noticed any burning or anything when I've handled/transplanted it, so its not poison ivy. It looks exactly like a box elder seedling, so that's probably what it is. Of course my brother would be the one person who couldn't find grape sticks in a field full of grape prunings-lol.

Thanks again, mystery solved.
If it IS box elder - and it looks like it - I would be hesitant to plant. Fast growing, almost invasive, starts spreading seeds before it has leaves. I yank dozens and dozens (and dozens) every year. They pop up EVERYWHERE! Lousy firewood but good for kindling.

It's an attractive tree but that darn spreading.

I'm at war with box elders and burning bush.
If it IS box elder - and it looks like it - I would be hesitant to plant. Fast growing, almost invasive, starts spreading seeds before it has leaves. I yank dozens and dozens (and dozens) every year. They pop up EVERYWHERE! Lousy firewood but good for kindling.

It's an attractive tree but that darn spreading.

I'm at war with box elders and burning bush.
WAIT! Don't pull it out! Maybe @BigDaveK has a recipe for it ;)
Honestly, I'm just a beginner. I have four non-tree grapes that are about four years old (Frontenac, 2 Valiant, and Marquette). I've mostly been making jellies as I'm not really into wine (under 21). But recently I've decided that if some's good, more's better, so I rooted about 20 more grapes from cuttings that will be ready to plant soon. With that many grapes, wine is definitely a possibility once they get established.

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