Murphy’s Law vs. Wine Making

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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2005
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So as many of you know, I had some equipment issues with my corker. Well as many also know, my last name is Murphy and there is a law of society that is called Murphy's Law. This law basically states that "if it can go wrong, it will" So let me tell you what happened to me today.

I had a batch of Kumquat Mead ready to bottle. So I drag out all of my equipment, sanitize properly and get set up. I sanitize all of my bottles and then get ready to filter the mead to assure it stays crystal clear.


I start filtering and not paying attention I drop the siphon tube to the bottom into the sediment and disturb it. This stirs up large "chunky" lees that clog up my filter which spews without warning about 5 feet into the air, in my face and all over my dining room table and then the hose from the pump to the filter on the Mini-Jet pops off spewing more mead on the floor.

So, I get this mess cleaned up and we move over to the kitchen to bottle and cork the mead after I finally got it filtered. I set up my bottling set up and try to start the siphon on my Buon Vino Automatic Auto Bottle Gravity Filler.

Well, for some reason, I can not get it to siphon. It was like there was a valve that was only open just a crack. I guess something was stuck inside of it. It worked great the other day when I used it but not today so here I am with everything ready and my bottle filler wont work.

Thankfully I had bought some hose clamps from George so I rig up a piece of hose with a clamp on it and am able to bottle the batch up and get them corked. By the way, the new corker worked perfect. So anyway, I guess I am going to take the bottle filler apart and see what is malfunctioning inside of it.

Someday I hope to have a 100% enjoyable and relaxing bottling session. This is the one portion of wine making I dread as I have had some type of issue (from equipment issues to just making a huge mess of some kind)with just about every batch.

I guess it is the unknown that keeps me coming back. I guess also someday I will devise a system here that works better. I don't really have a good set up as of yet and am always somewhat disorganized but hey, remember, I am a Murphy so I am always looking over my shoulder!

Edited by: smurfe

I only do the try'd and true method of filtering wines, this method guarantees no mess, is clean and sanitary. It promises a sterile bi-product that is easily disposed of. Yes this method is


I dont filter my wines smurf but i do always rack from the carboy to my fermenter, ensuring that I leave all the lees in the carboyand bottle from that. Works great for me and would probably be a good method even if filtering.
Waldo said:
I don't filter my wines smurf but i do always rack from the carboy to my fermenter, ensuring that I leave all the lees in the carboyand bottle from that. Works great for me and would probably be a good method even if filtering.

Normally I either rack or filter into my primary but all of them are full at the moment. I HATE bottling out of a carboy.

Man, Smurfe - after all that trouble, you should call this batch "The Kumquat's Revenge"!
What Waldo said. When I am ready to filter I rack into either a primary or another carboy, filter back into theclean carboyand then take thefoot off the racking cane and bottle from there.
Sorry Smurfe, don't have any great ideas, as I am too new!! But just think of all the great wine you will have!!


Many years ago, before Bert was in my life, and things were tough, 1 good thing happened for me and someone told me they were glad to see things looking up for me. I informed them that was just a fluke and I was sure that things would be back to normal tomorrow.
I also told them that if life stopped being a series of bad things always happening I'd have to screw it up intentionally, because I didn't know how to live any other way.

What will you do if you have a batch without a problem, start to finish?
Will you be confused?
Will you be shocked?
Will you be waiting for a bottle to explode? I bet YOU won't know how to act! But you can know, we're still here, rooting for you!
Having problems while making wine can be frustrating but like most things in life you learn from your mistakes or misfortunes and the trick is figuring out how to prevent reoccurring issues in the future.