Making Mulberry Wine, but not sure about primary ferment

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Wine is bottled now. The wife and I drank the half bottle that was left over. Not bad so far. A great flavor if you let it just sit on your tongue. After it ages, I'm hoping it will taste somewhat like that. (back sweetened with corn sugar)
My brother and mom got me to open up a bottle yesterday. They loved it!! They even asked if they could take some home with them! This wine isn't suppose to be aged well for about another year, so it's got me wondering how good will it be then?!!:D
Next year I'm planning on doing another 6 gal. batch. And I'd like to do a smaller batch of mixed wild berries as well. Mulberries, Black berries, etc. Maybe persimmons as well. Might even try adding honey suckle to the mix, but i'd have to do some research on using honeysuckle to make wine first.
My Mulberry is a little over 6 months old now. The flavors are really coming out nicely, and the edge at the end is almost gone already. Can't wait till late spring to get the next batch of this one going!
A year old and tasting great! No edge at the end and as smooth as a wine can be. Starting my 2013 batch today. Using a few more Mulberries per gallon this time around.
I was really glad to see your posts on mulberry wine.
A few years ago, I sweet-talked a lady from Florida, to send me some Black and Pakistan mulberry cuttings. I got all eight to root, and I had one produce a few fruits the first year. Now, they are really taking off, and I have great plans for making wine.
Could you share your recipe, and any additional steps you made in making the wine?
Thanks for your posts, and any help,