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This is why I suggest new winemakers start with a kit. They come with good instructions to make a sucessful wine. If you follow that, you quickly learn the basics that you can use for a lifetime. Once comfortable, then you can move on to fruit wines, wine from juice buckets like you have now and even from grapes. GOOD LUCK and I hope you haven't gotten confused from all the help offered up.

The bucket has instructions but I was following the direction of a manhattan has made a lot of tasty wines. The bucket says nothing about adding sulfites or clearing agents, I hope to to use any if possible.
once you understand the what and why of sulfites ... if you have questions ... post them up someone will jump in to help.
I have read the sulfite information. I am just confused on the timing. Should I degass now that the batch has been racked into the carboy? How do you degass in a carboy, can I just agitate it? Does the campden go in now or after another racking?
Degas when you transfer. Several methods, brisk quick stirs but do not introduce air into it. A vacuum pump works great too or a long spoon on a drill. Again short bursts to release CO2 not to blend in air.

Sulfite added at each racking. After ferm. is thru 1/4 teaspoon for 5 gallons and a pinch each time thereafter.
Ok today was the second rack back to 5 gallon carboy, added 1/4 teaspoon of Potassium Metabisulfite and a package of bio lees on the suggestion of the grape juice distributor. SG is just under 1.000, no action in the water lock for 4 days. The taste is good the color is nice but still needs to clear.

How long before I bottle should i rack again? Can I store in a 60* basement, I have had the carboy & 2 gallons in the livingroom in 70* + temperature since 11/22?

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