Just about to start my apple-jalapeno

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Jul 25, 2011
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Going to mix this up together tonight in the primary. I am using a mix of cider and concentrate for the apple and have fresh jalapeno. Question is, I also have a pound of white raisins that I was thinking about tossing in the mix for an added layer of flavor. What do you think? Raisins in or pass. And is there anything that you guys with some experience with making similar wine change about my recipe. Recipe as follows:

2gals apple cider
9 cans apple concentrate
25 sliced jalapenos
~3gal water
sugar to 1.090
1 1/2 tannin
3 tsp pectic enzyme
5 tsp acid blend
5 tsp yeast nutrient
1/4 tsp Kmeta

1pkg red star champagne after 24hrs

Thanks in advance for opinions.
The last time I made hot pepper wine, I had added the hot peppers before fermentation and I could not get the juice to start fermenting. So from this point on, I add my hot peppers after the wine has gone dry. Not sure if you would need the raisin with the apple juice, I normally don't add raisins to my wine and I use Welch's white grape concentrate as a base. Runningwolf has made an awesome hot pepper wine with apple as a base, when he comes on I'm sure he will respond.

Good Luck
The last time I made hot pepper wine, I had added the hot peppers before fermentation and I could not get the juice to start fermenting. So from this point on, I add my hot peppers after the wine has gone dry. Not sure if you would need the raisin with the apple juice, I normally don't add raisins to my wine and I use Welch's white grape concentrate as a base. Runningwolf has made an awesome hot pepper wine with apple as a base, when he comes on I'm sure he will respond.

Good Luck
Hmm. Well thats pretty interesting. I wonder if the capsaicin is an inhibitor. I just read that a lot of beer makers also add it to the secondary but with no explanation. Thanks for the input.

edit: If I do add the peppers to the secondary after dry do I need to worry about introducing any other unwanted yeasts/bacterias? Dont know if anything lives on these peppers.
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Well, I decided to go ahead and add 1/2lbs of the golden raisins and 25 of the jalapenos to the primary tonight after looking back at what runningwolf did a while back. Expecting some pretty mild heat off of this. I ended up mixing 6 gallons instead of 5 and I will keep 5 gallons at this mild heat and then make 1 gallon of nuclear heat and see how that ages. Will probably add another 10-15 peppers to the 1gal. Have the yeast starter up and running and should be ready to dump in at 6 tomorrow night. The red star champagne took off like mad on my last batch so hope this works the same. Have another package if it dosent. Starting SG is a bit higher than I wanted because I forgot to take temperature into account. Was 1.090 but was 90 degrees so had to adjust to 1.094. Thats ok though since I think it will lend itself well to an apple fpack later.
I added a cup of raisins to mine and 40 medium jalapenos right from the beginning. It took off real well but I used lalvin ec-1118 yeast. Punch the peppers down often and do not breath in while doing that. It turned out great.
I made 2 batches of jalapeno wine this year, just put second batch into secondary this am. I nevr tasted or made this befor but it sounds good. When I first added all ingedients at primary and was full of sugar it tasted great, the hot and sweet,so I will probably sweeten when bottling next year. I used Jack Kekkar recipie and it has 1 lb. of gold raisens per lb.,no concentrate.I use raisens in my blueberry and blackberry wines and it turns out great with alot of body. The first batch I removed half the seeds and white meat from peppers and second batch I left all seeds and meat in so I should have one hotter than the other, the first batch is 4 weeks in secondary and is very clear allready with 2 in. sediment on bottom,I allways let all my wine sit in secondary for one year befor bottling, the miracle of time will do wonders,cant wait to try this.

I added a cup of raisins to mine and 40 medium jalapenos right from the beginning. It took off real well but I used lalvin ec-1118 yeast. Punch the peppers down often and do not breath in while doing that. It turned out great.

Thats good to hear and hopefully I have the same result. It is smelling really fantastic already after the pectic enzyme and acid has munched away overnight. I really like the flavor of jalapenos so I hope it is everything I am expecting. I am not looking forward to all the CO2 in the house though. Just a few days though.
I made 2 batches of jalapeno wine this year, just put second batch into secondary this am. I nevr tasted or made this befor but it sounds good. When I first added all ingedients at primary and was full of sugar it tasted great, the hot and sweet,so I will probably sweeten when bottling next year. I used Jack Kekkar recipie and it has 1 lb. of gold raisens per lb.,no concentrate.I use raisens in my blueberry and blackberry wines and it turns out great with alot of body. The first batch I removed half the seeds and white meat from peppers and second batch I left all seeds and meat in so I should have one hotter than the other, the first batch is 4 weeks in secondary and is very clear allready with 2 in. sediment on bottom,I allways let all my wine sit in secondary for one year befor bottling, the miracle of time will do wonders,cant wait to try this.

Thanks for your post. I have some blackberry bulk aging too and maybe I can pull some of these tricks if it needs more body.

The good news for the apple-jalapeno is that the primary is off and roaring away. I imagine that it will be ready for the secondary by the end of the week. Will take a SG read tomorrow.
Just a quick update. That champagne yeast tore through the sugar in 4 days and brought the SG down to 1.002 from 1.094. Crazy. Going to rack in a moment.

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