Is it Monday Yet?

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Senior Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Mrs Chevy and are are expecting our newest addition on Monday. I want it to be "born" now but she says we have to wait until Monday. She wins!!! Well post more pictures after the delivery (btw it's WE Liebfraumilch)
That first one always seems to take longer.....but when it's ready it will come and you will really be able to enjoy it....Just like having kids...maybe that's why we think of them as babies.....have fun and enjoy..
A WE Liebfraumilch ah..........

I't nice to know it's heritage........... Sounds Irish and German

I must educate you in one more area of this type of child rearing.......

As in the other types of birth, you get sonograms done at certain points to see how thing are going.......................

With these babies, you also have to perform certain tests.........................

now go get that glass! You'll know what to do with it once you get beside it......
Edited by: jobe05



Well we finally got to bottle our first try at wine making....I must say we were impressed with the results!We filteredwith a gravity filter before bottling and it was crystal clear!!!! it was a little messy the first few bottles but we got the hang of it pretty quick. we'll let them sit for a few more days, then lable and cap them. BTW we ended up with 28 bottles (20-750ml and 4-1.5l)and a full glass for testing!
Oh ya... green apple Island Mist going into the primary tonight.
Wade, hasn't anyone taught you to be careful about what you wish for?
Second Family Portrait?

Looks like a nice brew'ed

When will they start leaving the nest?