How Many Trick or Treaters Did You Have?

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To each their own - right!!!! :h

The county just west and south of where i live at have the highest rate for meth labs - not too surprising that some of that wanders over.
We didnt have any to my knowledge.. But I wasnt home... Most of the action is usually a block toward town..
I live rurally and have a 150metre driveway ( uphill)

so this year we had none (again)../

I was on a chatroom in the USA earlier today and someone who worked in a hospital was saying how great it was that they can xray the candy before letting the kids eat it.

surely it's not such an issue that people stick (poisonous) stuff in the candy given out to little kids?

I can't believe that happens in the doesn't does it?


Allie, occasionally a sicko has put and HIV infected needle in a snickers. It happens.
Usually we go to my brothers to hand out the candy. He has a five year old son, so it was lots of fun. My girls are grown up and the grandsons are in NC.
This time my brother was fighting kidney stones and not up to partying, so we went in to my youngest daughter's house. There we had 8 kids, but that was more than last year. And that is in town.
Now at my youngest brothers in the country, they had 100.
It really is a shame. We had soooo much fun and really looked forward to halloween and so did many parents. Now you can't even let kids walk to school alone. We've got some fella driving around in a van asking kids if they would like a ride. Fortunately all of them ran away.

What they don't know what they are missing.

Too tight costumes. A plastic mask that cuts into your eyes. A cheap gum band to hold the mask on that always broke 10 minutes into the night. Someone making popcorn balls YUK! Some family tought they'dbe cool and give cans of pop. Those things always got a dent and leake over everything. The family that put all the candy in a basket and left a note. Take One HA! Makinf fun of those kids with only a few candy bars an hour into it. Kids whose parents who escorted them around. Hitting some homes more than once for the big snickers bar or a dime. and lastly, spreading all of your candy out on the floor in the living room, trying to keep the dog from eating and (Dad's as well) and marveling at everything. Mom would ask...Who gave you this? Like I would remember.

Great Times.

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