how important are phosphorous levels, and should I be fertilizing?

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Feb 2, 2012
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So all 120 vines are in the ground as of last week and the buds are already starting to swell and pop. I'll have to update the Green Mist thread. Anyhow, I decided to do another soil test to see where my liming and soil amendments got me. All soil amendments were done in Oct, so it's only been 7 months. My pH went from 4.7 to 5.2, but I think I really want to lime some more (especially for the Euro grapes) to get up more towards 6. Below is a before and after of my soil. I spent a LOT of $$ on bonemeal, yet my phosphorous levels are still the same at a bleak 1 lb/acre. Any suggestions or recommendations and should I be using a 10-10-10 fertilizer this first year?

BEFORE (Oct 2012)

AFTER (April 2013)
I would do some research but I would hazard a guess that bone meal will be slow to dissipate into the soil. the best test is to do leaf stem analysis of the grape vines, this analysis will tell you which nutrients are being used by the vines and which need to be added. I do not see a nitrogen analysis number so the use of any fertilizer at this time would be premature. Just make sure vines are watered properly do some analysis of stems later. If fertilizing I would stick to nitrogen only until you get the stem analysis. It seems you have plenty of phosphorus. Did the soil analysis lab recommend additions?
Phosphorous is important for grapes as it is for most other plants. You however are just planting so it is not as critical since it is most important for flower production. You probably have enough for the young vines, but work on getting the levels higher- but do not overdo it. Phosphorous in the northeast has become a pollution problem and is banned from homeowners fertilizer mixes. Grapes get by with less than ideal fertilizer amounts so don't fret too much.