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Jan 9, 2012
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I was at a local grocery store and was looking at the 5 gallon jugs of water. I believe it was $13 for the bottle and the water. Are these blue 5 gallon jugs ok for making wine?
If you make a white in one, can you put it on one of those water coolers and have a nice chilled wine on tap? Would be a big improvement over the plain water we have at the office.
If you make a white in one, can you put it on one of those water coolers and have a nice chilled wine on tap? Would be a big improvement over the plain water we have at the office.
Depending how quickly you drink the 5 US gallons, you might end up drinking oxidized wine.


Not only is this a common question, but your title (or a version of it) has been used before (although maybe not here). Regardless, here are a couple of threads that you can review for previous discussion.....


Bottom line, the answer is maybe yes, maybe no. Personally I won't use them, but I will use the plastic Better Bottle type carboys.

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Wine are much better preserved on bottles.

If you want to use jars, maybe the taste would be different.
Crawlspacevinter, I have 10 glass carboys, 2 Better bottles & 3 blue tinted water bottles. I use the water bottles for SP and other fast drinkers when my "good" carboys are full. Iv'e never seen a difference, but the wine not in there very long! Roy
Thanks for the input. After posting this i did do a search and I apologize for asking the same question again. I am new to this and before I go out and put hundreds of dollars into my equipment I want to make sure I love this hobby and that I can make good wine. I was thinking of using those bottles for skeeter pee and for secondary fermentation. I wouldn't want to use those for long term aging.

The second comment I made was just in good humor. Basically saying it would be nice to drink at work!
