Help Step by Step Make Wine from Juice

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Oct 12, 2012
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Hi people, would you pls be so kind to help me make wine from Juice?
I just bought 2.4 Strawberry and kiwifruit Juice, no Sugar, no preservatives.

So now...what can i do??? lol

Got 2 buckets....and 5x 5Lt carboys .....and plenty of sugar :)
First I would check to make sure the juice you picked up doesn't contain any sorbates. Please inlighten me on "2.4 strawberry and kiwifruit", 2.4 pounds, ounces, containers? This will help everyone on here to help you better. Also, in starting you should have a hydrometer to check your sg.
I suggest that you go back to the first page of the forum and read through the 4 stickys that are posted there. Especially the Book for Beginners. There is a lot of good information in all 4. And as Terry mentioned always provide as much informations as possible when asking for assistance.

Now, welcome aboard. There are a lot of knowledgeable people available in this forum willing and happy to help you. But you must help yourself as well. Read as I suggested above and look through the forum and read stickies on any subject that you find interesting. There is a lot of info in this forum but you need to do some looking for yourself before asking someone to provide you with step by step instructions.

Good Luck
I agree with LOUMIK about reading the tutorials. You need a basic understanding of what is to transpire, otherwise, you will be a nervous wreck. It won't take very long to read the tutorials. Then, if you have questions, we came home in on them specifically.

Good luck and welcome.
First I would check to make sure the juice you picked up doesn't contain any sorbates. Please inlighten me on "2.4 strawberry and kiwifruit", 2.4 pounds, ounces, containers? This will help everyone on here to help you better. Also, in starting you should have a hydrometer to check your sg.

Thank you all for your quick answers....i do appreciate. I've had a read at the beginner book, very interesting....Ive already read alot about making wine, done my first batch with grapes...following beginner kit instructions...was ok and fun :) apology...I didnt specify what I had and planning to do.

Got 2.4 liters of (87% apples base, 8% strawberry, 5% kiwifruit) Juice....No added sugar, No least this is whats stated lol.

No sorbates.

Yes, got my Hydrometer.

Maybe what i were looking mostly, was a simple Recipe.....I noticed that most recipes are for grapes or other fruits.

So, is there a list of recipes, expecially for Juices?

And if you dont mind, ill keep you update with my progresses....:spm
sbnmiky said:
Thank you all for your quick answers....i do appreciate. I've had a read at the beginner book, very interesting....Ive already read alot about making wine, done my first batch with grapes...following beginner kit instructions...was ok and fun :) apology...I didnt specify what I had and planning to do.

Got 2.4 liters of (87% apples base, 8% strawberry, 5% kiwifruit) Juice....No added sugar, No least this is whats stated lol.

No sorbates.

Yes, got my Hydrometer.

Maybe what i were looking mostly, was a simple Recipe.....I noticed that most recipes are for grapes or other fruits.

So, is there a list of recipes, expecially for Juices?

And if you dont mind, ill keep you update with my progresses....:spm

Do a Google search for Jack Keller Apple Juice recipe. I believe that would be the closest to what you are making. If you don't find it let me know and I will email it to you on Wednesday.
Do a Google search for Jack Keller Apple Juice recipe. I believe that would be the closest to what you are making. If you don't find it let me know and I will email it to you on Wednesday.

Thank you so much...thats great. I like it...had a look....just few questions already.

They said to cover during primary fermentation just with sanitized muslin cloth....what about a loose lid? I suppose that a lid wouldnt let in enough oxigen for a great primary fermentation.....

Also they said to add sugar: in many other recipes they say to dissolve sugar into boiling water, cool it down, and then add to the mix. So its important to dissolve sugar...or doesnt matter as this recipe says?
sbnmiky said:
Thank you so much...thats great. I like it...had a look....just few questions already.

They said to cover during primary fermentation just with sanitized muslin cloth....what about a loose lid? I suppose that a lid wouldnt let in enough oxigen for a great primary fermentation.....

Also they said to add sugar: in many other recipes they say to dissolve sugar into boiling water, cool it down, and then add to the mix. So its important to dissolve sugar...or doesnt matter as this recipe says?

I just cover the primary with a clean towel. My thinking is a lid loose enough to let oxygen in could let critters like fruit flies in also. The sugar in this recipe does not have to be dissolved in hot water, it just takes a little more stirring to dissolve in cold water but that is the way I do it unless the recipe specifically calls for boiling water.
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You can set the towel on top and the lid on top of that. This can help if you have kids, dogs, kittens or whatever around. You can also snap the lid on if you have to. The worst thing about that is you will probably be stirring at least once a day. Unsnap, resnap, kinda a pain, but keeps the critters out. Some folks snap on, airlock and let it ferment. Most of us, I believe, stir and that is easiest if the lid is not snapped on. Good luck with it, Arne.
Ok....straight first question for the day.

Put yeast on....and its bubbling very slowly....not like when ive done with real grapes.

Temperature is about 20' C....i read SG before yeast...was 1.090 about.

So my questions....shouldnt bubble alot, at the first day of fermentation? And its good or bad, if it bubbles very slowly? Shall I do anything???
I suspect it will go faster. The yeast is still multiplying and as you grow more yeasties they will make the wine go faster. On the other hand, once in a while you get a wine that just ferments slow. Don't have anything handy to change C. degrees to F. degrees, but the temp should be around 70 F. or a bit higher. Arne.
If you're getting bubbles, that's a good sign that fermentation is taking off. You should notice just a few small bubbles after about 24 hours, and after that it should pick up and start bubbling more vigorously, especially if you've added yeast nutrient.

With an SG of 1.090, you should end up with 12% alcohol if the yeast ferment all the sugar.
Ok....straight first question for the day.

So my questions....shouldnt bubble alot, at the first day of fermentation? And its good or bad, if it bubbles very slowly? Shall I do anything???

You should be OK, I recently had an apple juice wine go from 1.095 to 1.000 in 2 days. I wish it HAD been slower.
Thanks...and here my first pics on this site :)

After my 8 hours sleep...this morning...I woke up and checked of course LOL.

As you can see from those 2 pics, there are bubbles....when i lifted the bucket, i smelt CO2.

My first fermentation was stronger, i could hear bubbles, this one is just little bit slower. Mmmmmm so I'll wait 2/3 days.....then I'll check SG again...and then transfer to Carboy :)

