Help! Newbie campden/yeast confusion

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Sep 15, 2010
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Hi all,

I need some advice! Recently moved into a new house with lots of grapes growing in the decided to make some wine. Ordered a kit: fermenting bucket, demijohns, yeast etc. Won't go into all the details, but I ended up with a couple of gallons of (white) grape juice.

I followed instructions from various internet sites, but neglected to add campden tablets to the mix. Added yeast, let the juice sit in the bucket for a couple of hours, and then realised my mistake. So after much deliberation I added two crushed campden tablets to kill of any wild nasties, and then immediately added some more wine yeast. I realise now that I should have waited 24 hours before adding more yeast...

Anyway, I have now siphoned it into demijohns with airlocks...but nothing seems to be happening. Might I have killed the good yeast with the campden tablets? If so, what should I do? I have zero experience with making wine, so any advice whatsoever will be very gratefully received!
Wine yeast should have no problem surviving the campden addition. Most likely they're just stunned and will start chugging along anytime. Might just be normal lag, too. When did you do this and what yeast was it?
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I would wait 24 hours then add another batch of yeast if you see no action. I would not put them under airlock now, they need air plus it will take longer for the sulfite to escape.

I would gently transfer the juice to a primary bucket, and redo the yeast. Make sure you add nutrient and enzymes.
Thanks for the replies.

Mud: I did this yesterday...about 30 hours ago. The yeast I used was "Lalvin Wine Yeast K1-V1116". I have effectively used double the amount that was advised (due to my second addition).

djrockinsteve: I did leave the must in a bucket with a tea-towel over it for around 24 hours after the addition of the campden tablets and second batch of yeast. Is that enough time for the sulfite to have escaped? Also: I did add nutrient, but no enzymes. Is this likely to inhibit the fermentation?

Still no visible fermentation....there is quite a lot of sediment forming on the bottom of the demijohns, this could simply be small particles of grape that got through the nylon bag I used, I'm not sure.

I am going to check it tomorrow, and if there is still nothing happening I'll buy some more yeast and add it. Unfortunately taking them out from under the airlocks is not an option now: I'm going to France for 4 days tomorrow, and surely can't just leave it in a bucket for all that time. Fingers crossed!
It will probably be ok if you let it sit. Do you have a hydrometer, if things are settling out you could be fermenting. Since you are leaving, make sure you leave your demijohns where they will not hurt anything if the fermentation really takes off. [Don't ask how I know to do this] Makes a real mess up thru the airlocks and all over whatever is under and by the bottles. lol. If you have a hydrometer, check the S.G. before you leave and check it again after you get home. If it comes down, you are fermenting, if it stays the same, you mite try making a starter and try again. Is your temperature at 70 degrees or above? It will still ferment lower than that but will be slow. Give us a holler when you get back from your trip and let us know what is going on. Arne.