Greetings From Connecticut

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Dec 30, 2008
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Greetings All,

My name is Vince Russo and Ireside in Norwalk, CT. I started making wine in 2007 and been bitten bythe wine bug.

<DIV align=center>Here is my mug shot.

I've really enjoyed the theinformation on this forum, some very cool members whom share their experiences openly. Your online wine maker's community is the best by far I've seen.

So by day I do HR and Payroll software implementations and client training for alocal software firm, been there 9 years.By night I don a black cape, cowl and tights and run a web site development / web site traffic business that will eventually get me free from the day gig some day soon.

You can find me in my wine room most evenings after the Mrs. and the kids are sleeping sipping, tinkering, and planning my next batch. (a Merlot kit from George)

A big Yankee "Thank you" to Wade for turning me onto this great site and George. Thank you also to all whom shared kind words thus far. See you all around.
Vince, welcome to the Forum!!!! Let us know how that merlot kit is doing!!
Welcome Vince. I am a newbie here and must agree that of all of the forums, this is the best.
Be sure to post updates on the Merlot batch!
Vince I will give you a big welcome here in the official Greetings Section!

It looks like you should fit in here well with the rest of the crowd. Not enough to do with the day job, gotta have a night one also and make wine on top of that.

I think we should do a study of forum members to see what percentage is or has been active in the computer industry. I know about a dozen members active here that are into it one way or another- not just casual users, but deriving income from those little beasts.

I will need more info on your web hosting services some day. The one I deal with now is basically a black hole. I put my information in there and hope it is maintained. There is really no way to communicate when there is a problem. I recently lost my forum for two weeks. Not sure if a segment of there server storage crashed and they didn't know it or what, but finally two weeks later, it reappeared. Good thing it isn't very active yet or there would have been a bunch of unhappy folks. I can't imagine George's forum here down for two weeks. There would be a lot of unhappy people going through withdrawl!

Again Welcome.
Welcome Vince, hopefully the cape and tights are for just around the house

Welcome Vince from another newbie. You are right. It is a great site with fun discussions. I can't wait to hear about your Merlot. Happy New Year!
Vince, glad to have you on the forum! We just love being open and sharing as it makes us feel important. We're needed!
We're like 1 big family here.
**Wonder how he feels about family**
Always good to see more members, I can garner more knowledge of this wonderful hobby. Welcome aboard Vince.
Welcome aboard Vince. Please share your adventures and show us your wine room someday.
Welcome Vince....Wade is the answer man around here....He will always be there to help you out.

Hope you enjoy your stay and have a safe and Happy New Year!!!!
Thank you all for the warm greetings. My Cellar Craft California Reserve Merlot kit is en route according to George as of 11:00 am EST this morning. Can't wait till it gets here! Happy New Year to all, have a safe time.
Welcome here Vince, George gets his stuff out fast and shipped really nice, As for this place being a happy family, its more like 1 big dysfunctional family! who are all addicted to fermenting what ever is in front of them!
Welcome, Vince. Your CC Merlot shipped out today. As you have discovered, there is a wealth of experience on this board. Be sure to participate, but if you get stuck, don't forget to call.
Hello everyone! I'm a newbie member thanks to Wade's suggestion. I live in CT and work as an AE for a tradeshow company. Ijust looked into this site a little while ago and have already found some great postings on sparkling wine.
Welcome Stache, hope you enjoy our ever growing family here! Sit down, relax, and pour a glass!