Great deal on Sugar at Walgreens

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Frequent Lurker
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Who among us couldn't use cheap sugar? It's kind of a staple, right?

I was browsing my sneak-peek sales for the upcoming week when I came across this lil gem on Sugar.

Next week (sale runs 5/18-5/24) Walgreen's is having their 4lb Domino White sugar for $1.89 w/ their in-ad coupon. Limit 2. This also stacks with other coupons. Here are a few printable coupons for 75 cents off 2. Zip Code 60540 ( I have to use internet explorer for Smart Source coupons, IDK why, Firefox hates this site for printing.) Zip Code 30003

You can print each coupon 2 times. Although you can use another printer and computer to print more sets of 2.

Since there is a limit of 2, I'm going to have my hubby pick up 2 bags, and my mom, and my sister... ya know get stocked up while the getting is good. $3.03 for 8lbs of sugar is a STEAL!!!! That's like 38 cents per pound! I usually pay 49 cents per pound at GFS, (which is kinda far away, so I only go when I have to go to the LHBS, which is next door)