Grape Creek Winery, Fredericksburg TX

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The Ferminator
Sep 2, 2013
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I just got back from our annual ladies retreat. While there, we visited our favorite winery, as per usual.
This time we decided to take their tour instead of just hanging out and buying wine. I grinned the entire time. I think if it didn't get so hot there in the summer, we all would have been filling out applications. Everyone there was so laid back and low key and of course the wine is just amazing. Here are a few pictures I took to share with you guys...

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What a beautiful place! Did they say where they get most of their grapes? Are they having problems with pierces disease yet? $18 for a tasting! How were the wines? Sounds like they are using that fee to keep the drunk party animals away.
That was not Saturday morning! Cold and drizzly here. Wish y'all had time to swing by and visit! Y'all would be welcome, we'll leave the light on!
That was not Saturday morning! Cold and drizzly here. Wish y'all had time to swing by and visit! Y'all would be welcome, we'll leave the light on!

No, that was on Thursday. Then Friday we checked in at Mo Ranch. It was cooler and wet on Saturday morning, but by that evening it was beautiful!

If I hadn't been with a large group of women, I definitely would have given you guys a call!
What a beautiful place! Did they say where they get most of their grapes? Are they having problems with pierces disease yet? $18 for a tasting! How were the wines? Sounds like they are using that fee to keep the drunk party animals away.

Fredericksburg is ridiculously expensive! It's quaint and wonderful, but expensive.

They grow most of their grapes in the Texas panhandle area. Someone did ask about Pierce's disease but I was checking out the jacketing on one of the huge tanks and bothering an employee that was checking the gauges there so I didn't hear the answer.
They have several wines that are absolutely superb (in my not so educated opinion), especially their sweet ones.

Here's a few of our favorites:

Err...well, apparently I have several that I liked. They have a good merlot and their Mosaic is pretty good as well, they are just both pretty dry for me. We had some red wine drinkers in our group that really liked both of those, as well as the Bellisimo. Any of those three would have gone great with a big steak dinner.
I am originally from San Antonio so watching closely whats happening in the Hill Country. I was reading on their website that they don't allow Limo's or Bus tours anymore as people were just getting drunk I guess...... :dg

Beautiful setting if it wasn't so hot and humid! LOL The "dry Line" up North is where the humidity stops moving up from the gulf coast. Pierces disease seems to be most prevalent where the humidities are high like in the South. Vines will produce for a few years and then wither and slowly die. You can't afford to keep digging up a vineyard and replacing all the vines every 5 years. That gets a little expensive thus more and more grapes are being planted up North or way out West in the Fort Stockton area across the western dry line.

Fredericksburg is ridiculously expensive! It's quaint and wonderful, but expensive.

They grow most of their grapes in the Texas panhandle area. Someone did ask about Pierce's disease but I was checking out the jacketing on one of the huge tanks and bothering an employee that was checking the gauges there so I didn't hear the answer..