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Hi Joan,

Sorry for responding only now. My cat had to have emergency ($$$) surgery, and I've been very preoccupied with it. Welcome to the forum though!

THis forum is great for learning, and meeting new people. It sounds like you're an old pro at winemaking.

I skimmed over the post, and I noticed you asked if it was worth making a batch of 1-gallon wine. Yes and no is my answer. You are mad if it turns out well, and are mad if it turns out bad.

However, 1-gallon batches are great for wines you've never even tasted before. I make a lot of weird wines out of various things, and I have to say, 1-gallon batches are usually what I start off with. I do, however, make sure I can make at least 4 batches at a time (i.e. 4 different 1-gallon batches). I start a yeast starter, let the yeast multiply and so then I don't have to worry about "extra work". The 1-gallon batches are quick to rack, quick to filter (if you do that), and quick to bottle. I bottle 1-gallon batches mainly in beer bottles and 189 (Sutter Home baby size) ml bottles. I have more, and I can taste-test more often.

So, in general, I would say, most definitely that 1-gallon batches are worth it. :)

Again, welcome to the forum, and btw, I'm a kindred spirit of yours. Cleveland is also in the land of lake-effect!

MedPretzel said:
My cat had to have emergency ($$$) surgery, and I've been very preoccupied with it. Welcome to the forum though!

THis forum is great for learning, and meeting new people. It sounds like you're an old pro at winemaking.

However, 1-gallon batches are great for wines you've never even tasted before. The 1-gallon batches are... quick to bottle.

Again, welcome to the forum, and btw, I'm a kindred spirit of yours. Cleveland is also in the land of lake-effect!


Hi Martina! Thanks for the welcome! Everyone here is great! I'm so glad I stumbled on the place! As for me being an old pro...I know just enough to get me into trouble!

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty.
I hope things are better now that you helped put the vet's kids thru college!

You bottle one gallon's worth? Wouldn't it be easier (and more fun) to use a racking tube as a really long straw? hehe

Go Cleveland!!!! Around here we say...if you see the Weather Channel live feed truck parked in front of your house, you know you're having bad weather!
I was so happy last winter... I never had to shovel! That's my kind of winter!
Hahah, well, we had a bear of a December last year, but Jan, Feb, and even March were bearable. One could actually say "nice!" ha ha ha!

I've been tempted to use straws on my 1-gallon batches, but....... That would be a little out-there, wouldn't it?
(But I have tasted with straws before!

Oh, my Tobi is fine and at home again. He slept off the initial excitement, and is slowly returning to normal again. He's still freaked out about going potty, but he's doing better. Yeah, my husband doesn't know about the bill - but let's just say, the Vet's mortgage is ensured this month. Now, mine on the other hand..................