For Norton vintners

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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125 pounds of Norton yields ~ 12 gallons of must when run through a crusher-destemmer.

I was quite pleased to find it at ~20 Brix / 1.080 SSG when I got it home. 6 ounces of French medium oak in, and I pop the yeast in tomorrow. This is the first must I have not had to chaptalize, IIRC. If I had waited one more week, the grapes would have been gone by. Perfect timing, and a discount on the price, too!
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WOW I've done 100# and gotten about 5 gallons... all skin and seeds...LOL

Oh not these Southern Nortons. Small berries but they had nice flesh. The wet year down here didn't hurt, either. Man they are sweet. Way sweeter than I expected.
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That is a great yield. I did about 110 pounds and got just over 7 gallons. After pressing. But it sure does taste good. I had to add just a bit of sugar to mine.

Yep, not looking forward to pressing in my lil 2-gallon press. :D

I was so danged happy they had a destemmer, I almost :pee my pants. Destemming was no charge. Motorized, too!

I expect to get about 7 gallons finished. Prolly do a second pressing wine, too. Stretches the cost out.
Well, even a dose of k meta last night couldn't stop a spontaneous fermentation from getting going. I dumped some hydrated 212 in it this morning at about 8 and its bubbling along nicely now. Pectic enzyme did its work. The must is now a nice blue color, and the 212 should extract even more. Happy camper.
I picked my nortons last sunday, they were just shy of 24 brix. I only got about 50 lbs though, so I don't expect a lot of wine. But it's the first time I got enough to make just Norton wine. I'm hoping the high brix will mean the acid is lower, I haven't checked it yet.

I did k-meta and cold soaked them for 2 days before pitching yeast. I was surprised it didn't take off by itself, but it started quickly after adding the RC-212.
I picked my nortons last sunday, they were just shy of 24 brix. I only got about 50 lbs though, so I don't expect a lot of wine. But it's the first time I got enough to make just Norton wine. I'm hoping the high brix will mean the acid is lower, I haven't checked it yet.

I did k-meta and cold soaked them for 2 days before pitching yeast. I was surprised it didn't take off by itself, but it started quickly after adding the RC-212.

Vineyard said mine were just shy of 25; hydrometer said they were around 20. They were at 1.080 and that's all I need to know. I tested acid by eating a few. Very mellow.
Vineyard said mine were just shy of 25; hydrometer said they were around 20. They were at 1.080 and that's all I need to know. I tested acid by eating a few. Very mellow.

I only did the refractometer reading, so I don't know what my hydrometer would have said. I'll be using it when it's close to done though. I taste tested mine and they were super sweet, not tart, so I really hope the acid is good. I'll adjust later if I need it though.

I did have about a pound of Noirette grapes that I added, my plan is to make a blend once the Noirette vines start producing more. So it's not quite a pure Norton :)
Let us know how much you get after racking it into the carboy. Last batch of Norton I did there were 3" of seeds in the bottom of the bucket.
I only did the refractometer reading, so I don't know what my hydrometer would have said. I'll be using it when it's close to done though. I taste tested mine and they were super sweet, not tart, so I really hope the acid is good. I'll adjust later if I need it though.

I did have about a pound of Noirette grapes that I added, my plan is to make a blend once the Noirette vines start producing more. So it's not quite a pure Norton :)

That was my experience in tasting them, too. I was very surprised; expected more tart. I think using the oak, I will be good without adjustment. We'll see.

I always wait until the very latest I possibly can to harvest. I was maybe a tiny bit too late this year on the Nortons. But the grapes are so much sweeter just before they go over the edge to being no good. I may pick muscadines next weekend, if I can get away a couple hours.
Today was pressing day.

Total yield: 8 1/2 gallons

I had to use those gallon bungs again. If that wine tastes like the bung, I will be PISSED!

Finished at 1.000 - just exactly what the commercial Nortons are at. I do not think it will need a pH adjustment.

Enjoying a primary glass now. The French oak is really coming through. This will be really nice in about 6-10 months.

I pressed my Norton yesterday, I only ended up with 2.5 gallons of wine though. The fermentation was nearly done (just a shade above 1.000), so I dropped some Lalvin Bacchus MLF bacteria in.
I don't do MLF so it'll be interesting to see how that works out for ya.

I wanted badly to do a second pressing wine out of these, they clearly can stand it, but it's calving time soon on the farm, we have visitors coming end of October, etc., so my time was too constrained. Next time.
Is Norton typically high in TA, although the Ph and SG levels are normal?