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Never heard of this since we have no contact with Pea-Soupers but a quick search produced "Soupe aux pois (yellow pea soup) is a national dish in French Canadian cooking". So I will assume this is the origin of the name.Edited by: masta
Ahh, So...Oui, Oui.......I understand now...However, being as my German mother did the cooking we had bourcht.
hannabarn said:
Actually there is another bullar but I can't spell it. It was Shiutabullar or something like that. My wife is the swede. Anyway the wine made the lutefisk taste better. Not good but better!!! He also used it to make Glugg!

My NY buddies were from aaland islands and we drank yule gluggs every year.

great stuff
Northern Winos said:
I am German/French-Canadian...I have been called lots of things.

Why do they call French-Canadians...Pea-soups??? I love pea soup.
I have heard them called frogs but never pea soups ??????????
Frogs...Yes...I know that one too.....
Oh yes, we call them pea-soups sometimes. If you ever go to Montreal or better yet, Quebec City, the main dish most families eat is pea soup. It was a way for the poor folk to have a cheap meal.

Heck, even the poor french people in Alberta were like that too. Many of them were pea-soups where I grew up.
Dean said:
Oh yes, we call them pea-soups sometimes. If you ever go to Montreal or better yet, Quebec City, the main dish most families eat is pea soup. It was a way for the poor folk to have a cheap meal.

Heck, even the poor french people in Alberta were like that too. Many of them were pea-soups where I grew up.

Quebec city and le chateau.

I froze to death there with my best New York winter clothes on one early january morning.
Do they still have the sled run out side the chateau??

I hope i remember the right place??????Edited by: scotty
My dad was a Canuck (according to him-he was from Plattsburgh, his folks from Quebec). He once cold-cocked someone who used the "peasouper" term using the wrong tone. He did love pea soup, though.
The sled runs are for sure held in Quebec during winter could have been in Montreal or Quebec city....They are fun to watch....

The Château hotels are beautiful...there is one in most major cities in Canada, they were built by the railroads...I think that is their history.
Northern Winos said:
The sled runs are for sure held in Quebec during winter could have been in Montreal or Quebec city....They are fun to watch....

The Château hotels are beautiful...there is one in most major cities in Canada, they were built by the railroads...I think that is their history.

I see i think it was on the square in old quebec because i want for a ride from there to st. ann de beaupre cathedral where my parents had gone on thier honeymoon. I dont remember how far it was to the cathedral.
i remember stone ovens at roadsides where bread was baked.

and i definitely remember the constant light snow and cold wind.

boy am i a sissy. lol
bj4271 said:
My dad was a Canuck (according to him-he was from Plattsburgh, his folks from Quebec). He once cold-cocked someone who used the "peasouper" term using the wrong tone. He did love pea soup, though.
A true Frenchman as I see it
Nothing like a little peasoup and johnny cake(cornbread). Of course you need a good slab of hambone in there. I am but a hop-skip and a jump from Plattsburgh. The Canadian shoppers are starting to come back again after their dollar rose to above par.
Ahhh....pea soup and corn bread...Love it!!!!
I made some after Thanksgiving with a ham bone...I add frozen baby peas right before I serve it...not traditional.