Cove Cottage

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Cove Cottage

Senior Member
Jul 5, 2005
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My husband John and I live in "The Cove" area of Panama, City Florida with our two cats; Princess and Foxy. The Cove runs along St Andrews Bay and is full ofancientoak trees, spanish moss, and quaint houses.I love to garden andJohn's love is his Harley Davidson.Something we both enjoy is sitting on our screened porch after work and enjoying aglass of wine.Hopefully soon we will be enjoying our own wine.
Boy don't that just make you feel all warm inside.

Almost like the first paragraph of a novel. lol

I am positive you will enjoy it!
I like your style. My wife and I everynight have "our time" on the patio with a glass of wine. It is so peaceful and quiet and the kids know that to interrupt, it had better be important! Unfortunately, the kids think EVERYTHING is important.

I was wondering where this post went! I meant to put it in theWelcome to the forumsection where youcan post information about who you are and where you live.

Glad I gave you a warm fuzzy. LOL