Chilean vineyards "decimated"

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I don't know much about vines....but the wild ones I have around my place are very hard to kill.....but I've never set the whole country side on fire either.

DO you think these vines will come back from the roots? 150 year old vines gotta have a great root system. I hope they do.
Feel very bad for them. They've lost at least a few seasons until the vines grow back (assuming the root stock will come back). Hopefully, its not that bad.
dang, and i was going to get several pails in april or may. I don't know exactly where the vineyard I get them form is located.
Dang, I was going to order several pails from Pardo this spring. I don't know what vineyard they get it from.
Dang, I was going to order several pails from Pardo this spring. I don't know what vineyard they get it from.

Last year the buckets I bought from Pardo came from Toro Negro region/vineyard. I don't know if they were affected.
Last year the buckets I bought from Pardo came from Toro Negro region/vineyard. I don't know if they were affected.

The fires were in teh northern and central part of the state and Toro Negro is in the curica region which is more southern.
Even if the vinyards that supply our respective areas weren't directly effected the fires, I would assume the sheer increase in demand will. And availability of quantity and/variety will probably be affected as well.
Good news. Juice pricing at Pardo Wine Grapes was not affected by the fires.