Candy Cane or Peppermint Wine

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May 13, 2008
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For some reason I thought I remembered seeing a post with a recipe for candy cane wine on here. I did a search but came up empty handed - Google found a recipe tho - anybody ever tried it? Would it be the same as peppermint schnapps?


Unwrap 8 packages of candy canes (~60 canes). Place in pot with water and boil. I boiled for about an hour. All of the canes dissolved into the water and I had a little bit of missed plastic on the surface which was removed promptly.

Pour into primary, add water to top up to 12 litres.

Add sugar to reach appropriate s.g. levels.

Pitch yeast. Ferment. Rack after a week. Rack again a month or two later.

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I'm thinking it will either taste really really good or really really nasty - opinions?