Can you identify this insect?

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Senior Member
Mar 29, 2013
Reaction score
New Hampshire
These guys just appeared today.
I've never seen them before.
They are mostly on my Prairie Stars.
They are gray, about a half inch long, skinny, and will fly away if disturbed.
They are eating holes in the leaves.
Sorry for the quality of the picture.
I can't seem to get a definite ID on them from image searches.

Sorry this picture is just not good enough to even make an educated guess from.

Generally unless an insect spreads disease or increases in numbers greatly, it is best to just leave them alone and become part of the ecosystem.
Yes- they are bugs. They are in the leafhopper family I think. I'm not entirely sure that they are the ones eating holes in the leaves, but they were the only bugs I could detect.

Yes those are bugs! Not sure of the species. Unless they become a real problem, I would not worry about a few holes here and there.
They are definitely in the leafhopper family. Unless the foliage damage is severe I would not worry. If it becomes a serious issue let me know, I have an entomologist in the family who will happily identify anything.