Blueberry Wine

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I think you should get another hydrometer. (Like Hippie mentioned, triple scale) This one is okay, and nothing per se wrong with it, but with a triple-scale one, you can figure out potential alcohol by just reading off the hydrometer.

You still can use this one - nothing wrong with it, but I think you'd enjoy a triple-scale one much more. Mine, I believe, has more lines to it, so you can make distinctions between 0.990 and 0.998....

Just my 2 cents,

I concur...
Thanks Martina and Masta..I have a shipment supposed to leave George's tomorrow so I will have him add one to my order
Got my new hydrometer today and , WOW !!! It is 4 times the size of the one I was using. Just the part with the scales on it is bigger than the one I had. And I can read it without a magnifying glass
i started a blackberry from puree 2 weeks ago. racked it to the carboy a week ago. it's dropping lees like crazy. i rack again yesterday with about a cup and a half of lees. check again today and it has about inch on the bottom again. plan on waiting couple more weeks to rack again. is it normal for that much lees.
Angell..I don't think what you are seeing is abnormal. Especially with a puree. I know I got a lot of sediment from my Peach which was a puree. You might want to consider leaving on the lees a little longer. Not sure but seems like you may racking too often.

I Racked and stabilizedmy Blueberry tonight at an SG of .096. Seems to clearing up nicely


and the taste is definately improving.

Edited by: Waldo
Waldo, are you going to sweeten this a bit or leave it dry? I do prefer dry wines but I found with the addition of a little sugar before bottling the Blueberry really comesalive. Just curious


That is a very pretty color..going to check my blueberry and rack it today see how it is doing..

Boy, you are really cranking out the are a man hard to keep up with

I agree Waldo has caught the wine making fever in a big way!
Bill...I am going to wait until it is ready to bottle and make that decision then.

Thanks Ramona.Comon now...catch me if you can
Well, Sunday was decision making time and I did sweeten the Blueberry just a tad before I bottled it. Lordy, Lordy, I wish I had had enough bluebberries to have made 12 gallons of this. It was truly awesome already as evidenced by the 5th bottle already missing from the gallon I made.
One bottle is going to my neighbor who gave me the berries and I am hoarding the rest

Very nice!

Waldo, it seems that your stash is getting bigger and bigger by the day!!!

Now go and make some more!