RJ Spagnols Blueberry Shiraz

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Apr 10, 2009
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Hi all, I just recently got into the hobby/addiction that is home wine making. My wife seems to really like the Island Mistwildberry shiraz, and she was wanting me to make the Blueberry Shiraz from Ocean Breezin'. I can't seem to find a review or any recommendations for it anywhere though. Has anyone made this or tasted it? Thanks for the help.
Welcome iporter. I'm sure someone will give you a review, haven't done many of these styles myself.
I just finished bottling that wildberry shiraz a couple of weeks ago, just opened a bottle and discovered that this is a very good summer sipping wine. I just forgot the "sipping" part though, went through that bottle really fast!! When I picked that kitup at my wine shop, I remember tasting a blueberry something or other and wanting to buy it instead. They were already sold out of it!!! and had suggested the wildberry one for me to buy instead.
We've made more of that Blueberry Shiraz than I care to remember. Here is what I can tell you.

First, we had all our friends over for a bottling party last year. I think we bottled five different kits. We let our friends take home a couple of bottles per person.

They almost completely depleted the batch of Blueberry Shiraz.

Financially this was good news for me as I'm not fond of giving away expensive kit wines, but I think it speaks both to the palate of the general population as well as the fruitiness and sweetness of the Ocean Breezin' kits.

My wife wanted to use it for a sipping wine but it was too sweet even for her. When her Jazzercise instructor wanted us to help her make another Blueberry kit we began experimenting. We added invert sugar and yeast nutrient and bumped up the alcohol content. The next time we made it we also added only half of the syrup packet. That worked just about right.

To each his own, but if you want to be a hit with the friends you can't go wrong w/ those kits.
Thanks for the replies. I decided to do the Black Raspberry Merlot again, as she liked that one more than the shiraz. But I did a sidestep and bought a strawberry white merlot along with the raspberrythat I started first. On top of doing some cherry apple from some juice.

I'm starting to think she might want her kitchen back soon.
iporter said:
Thanks for the replies. I decided to do the Black Raspberry Merlot again, as she liked that one more than the shiraz. But I did a sidestep and bought a strawberry white merlot along with the raspberrythat I started first. On top of doing some cherry apple from some juice.

I'm starting to think she might want her kitchen back soon.

My wife will sacrifice a lot for wine.
iporter said:
Hi all, I just recently got into the hobby/addiction that is home wine making. My wife seems to really like the Island Mistwildberry shiraz, and she was wanting me to make the Blueberry Shiraz from Ocean Breezin'. I can't seem to find a review or any recommendations for it anywhere though. Has anyone made this or tasted it? Thanks for the help.

My husband and I are new to home wine making and decided to start with OB Blackberry Merlot and the Blueberry Shiraz. I am a truer blueberry lover and was surprised when I preferred the Blackberry Merlot over the Blueberry Shiraz. I found the Blueberry Shiraz to have a light mild flavor, and does not taste like blueberries. The OB blackberry Merlot is a better wine.
Have made a number of the Blackberry Merlot's kits and they have a stronger Blackberry flavor than the Blueberry Shiraz which has a very mild blueberry flavor. Most people prefer the Blackberry Merlot. The stock Blackberry Merlot is good most non-wine drinkers love the stuff ice cold. It is a bit too sweet for my taste and I usually dilute with club soda or ice water in hot weather.

Agree the general population's preference for cocktail type fruity sweet wines. During a tasting party a descent mid level dry Merlot was not as well liked as the stock sweet Blackberry Merlot. The girls did some blending and a 50/50 ratio quickly developed so we ended up uncorking the bottles to blend and re-corked. The resulting blended wine has been in a big hit with the general population although some would still prefer the 100% sweet Blackberry Merlot. A way to cut the sweetness and make a fruitier red wine essentially. One on my friends commented at another party after trying a number of not so good homemade wines which ended up down the sink, she brought out two bottles of this blend and it was a huge hit with people commenting on the fruitiness.

Have tried the adding sugar to make it stronger and ended up with too much alcohol for the body it tasted more like a port. Now only make as instructed without additional sugar.

Blending a dry red with the Blackberry Merlot is an excellent idea. We have some Niagara Mist Sangria Zinfandel Blush that some family members LOVE! My wife and I tend to mix in some red wine (along with club soda and citrus slices) to make it a bit more like a sangria.


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