better bottle carboys

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Oct 25, 2008
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with glass carboys some say they leave a little k meta solution in the bottom whem storing, can you do this with the better bottles??
I dont' use better bottles so I will default to someone who does. However, I do us a plastic spray bottle to keep my k-meta solution in so I can give a quick spray to tools that need it. It keeps just fine as and doesn't react with the plastic in any way.I would assume that the same would hold true for a better bottle.

Again, I don't use better bottles so my resonse is simply an educated guess. I'd wait to hear from someone who uses them.

Someone more experienced than me will probably chime in, but I don't think it's really necessary to leave k-meta in the carboy while storing. I clean mine really well after use and store in the box so dust and the creepies don't get in. Immediately before use, I give it a hot water rinse and hit it with the k-meta.
It would probably be ok, but I think I would do as Monty syas and store it dry and sanitize before use. Ideally you can just keep it full all the time. After you rack out of it, rack another into it. Just keep rotating them.
I have 11 Better Bottles and still love them and I store them dry.

For a while I kept my K-meta solution in an oldmilk jug. The second time the jug developed a leak I figured out the solution and the milk jug weren't meant for each other. I've got one of the heavy-dutyspray bottles from Home Depot and an old vinegar jug holding my K-meta solution now without any problems. I think there is a wide range in the grade of plastic we use.

WayneEdited by: wctisue
I too can verify that meta and plastic milk jugs dont go good together.
With the glass carboys I like to put a tsp. of K-meta in the carboy with the bung and air lock on and filled. The k-meta evaporates and keeps the carboy steril. I have found however that this dries out the bung over time. ( I still do it. ) My point is that both the bung and the Better Bottle are made for wine yet the bung dries out and gets hard.
So your best option is to just keep it full.

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