Banana Wine

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Joe are you OK? Do you disagree about the seeds?

Too many seeds cracked will make a bitter wine, but one or 2 here and there might just contribute needed tannin.
I agree that a few seedswill contribute a source of tanin. For I have seen pressed grapes, a few leaves, twigs and such, also. Even to say that the bark as well, more so.

Although not my source to use, nor soley to be used in large quantities, I personally would rather not for the lack of practice....
I agree with that. Try to make blackberry wine without cracking a few seeds. Can't be done.
Yep. Red grape must usually includes lots of stems and some seeds are smashed by the crusher. Gotta have that tannin and gotta get it somewhere, sometimes not enough in the skins.
I never made blackberry wine. Can't you just mash the berries with your hands? Unless you're superman, i think it would be hard to crush the seeds that way.
Yes, put the berries a handful at a time into a gallon ziplock, zip it while trying to get most of the air out, mash the berries, open, pour into fine mesh straining bag. This is after they thaw from the freezer. Blackberries will give up lots more of their fruit after being frozen a while.

Alright! "Throughthe teeth and over the gums, look out tummy, hear it comes!"


Normally a whiskey or other hard liquor toast, cause of the effects on the system.


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