Back sweetening and bar syrup

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Sep 5, 2006
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I did a brief search on this subject (no luck) because I assume my question has probably come up before.

I ferment to dry unless I mess something up like a cranberry I've mentioned before. I then back sweeten to taste usually end up with a SG of 1.002-1.006. Invariably I run a little short on the sugar mix (2 cups sugar to 1 cup water). Has anyone tried just using "Bar Syrup"? Does anyone know how long I could keep the homemade sugar mix? What if I added sorbate to it for storage? I should probably just stop trying to be cheap afterall I'm saving a bunch compared to commercial wine.
I have made simple syrup and the extra, I put in a jar with a cover on it , stored in the refrigerator for a few months [no spoilage of any kind ] will be able to see if it crystalizes and heat to dissolve again...
I dont know what bar syrup is. I guess its simple syrup. I doubt that they have a 2 to 1 mix. Instead of using 2 cups of sugau make a bigger batch. I make 1/2 gallon at a time.

I also use it in making extracts into cello's. I never had to put it in the fridge. After boiling the water and adding the sugar you should bring it back to a low boil. I then put the boiling mixture in a "MASON" jar. They then it makes a vacumm after you add the lid.
I haven't tended bar since the 70's, but back then bar syrup = simple syrup. It will keep well even unrefrigerated because it has such a high concentration of sugar that very few organisms can tolerate the osmotic pressure.
Thanks everyone. I'll go with the simple syrup and the refrigerator. Shouldn't be a problem using any extra up. I've got backyard grape, rhubarb, cherry and a sauvigon blanc going right now with 60# of concord and 30# of cranberry in the freezer to start this weekend or next.