Hello, it's been quite a while since I've been on and have had quite the hiatus from winemaking, so I'm still essentially a beginner, 5 years from my first batch. Anyway, in December 2015, I made a batch of wine from a kit(my 5th ever?). Cellar Craft Sterling Cabernet Sauvignon. I don't remember if it was the 5-week or 6-week but it was the first one I made with a grape skin pack.
Over the winter it was comfortably aging in the carboy in the "cool" room. However due to life events, I have not been able to tend to this batch and it has sat, "aging", in this non-air conditioned room over the summer with temps usually in the 80's and occasional 90s. There is no sunlight to this room and the window stayed open so I assume temps were equal to outdoor temp.
Now that I have to decide what to do with this carboy and either bottle it or empty it down the drain. I'd much rather drink at least some of it.
I can imagine it won't taste the best, but what kind of condition do you think it's in by now? At least personally drinkable like a cheap table wine?
Over the winter it was comfortably aging in the carboy in the "cool" room. However due to life events, I have not been able to tend to this batch and it has sat, "aging", in this non-air conditioned room over the summer with temps usually in the 80's and occasional 90s. There is no sunlight to this room and the window stayed open so I assume temps were equal to outdoor temp.
Now that I have to decide what to do with this carboy and either bottle it or empty it down the drain. I'd much rather drink at least some of it.
I can imagine it won't taste the best, but what kind of condition do you think it's in by now? At least personally drinkable like a cheap table wine?