A comfortable old clock

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Aug 8, 2012
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Northern Arizona
We remodeled and redecorated a couple of years back and I threw in a few mid-century modern touches in the living room and kitchen. I’ve always loved those colors and styles and I guess it goes back to my childhood and what I grew up seeing. I looked for an Atomic starburst clock like the one my father had in his apartment when him and mom first started dating. They met when I was about 8, dated, married and then he adopted me when I was about 12 or 14. That clock went from home to home with us until about 8 or 10 years ago when it disappeared during one of their last moves.

After searching for a real vintage clock and not finding an affordable, clean and working one I settled for an imitation that has hung in the living room for the last couple of years.

Well, mom was digging though and sorting some boxes from storage last week and that 1963 clock was stuffed in a box. its in almost pristine condition and working perfectly once a battery was installed. It now has a new home and it feels like an old friend is hanging around again.


Yes, I caught that myself, that clock hung above the our first color TV at the time Batman was on. Did you catch the blue/green screen print on the wall, hint, they didn't tour this year.
Yes, I caught that myself, that clock hung above the our first color TV at the time Batman was on. Did you catch the blue/green screen print on the wall, hint, they didn't tour this year.

Yes, I did. Dave and Tim are here this coming weekend.