68 today; ice tomorrow & surrounded by flu!

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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I just got to feeling better yesterday from a flulike illness I have had since before Thanksgiving (either that or it was a series of them - and YES, I got a shot that is this year 90% ineffective, the CDC says).

Woke up at 5:30 a.m. WOW, feeling great for the first time in maybe a month. Got to work. By 9 a.m., I was sitting next to an obviously sick coworker for a 2-hour meeting in a small room. She hacked throughout. Hmm... we'll see.

I work at a university (smart people, huh? LOL), so we get a week at Thanksgiving and about that at Christmas. I was sick for both breaks. But then I knew I would be, since 90% of my coworkers for the three weeks leading up to TG and Christmas were AT WORK and SICK. I was surrounded.

So please...

I just got to feeling better yesterday from a flulike illness I have had since before Thanksgiving (either that or it was a series of them - and YES, I got a shot that is this year 90% ineffective, the CDC says).

Woke up at 5:30 a.m. WOW, feeling great for the first time in maybe a month. Got to work. By 9 a.m., I was sitting next to an obviously sick coworker for a 2-hour meeting in a small room. She hacked throughout. Hmm... we'll see.

I work at a university (smart people, huh? LOL), so we get a week at Thanksgiving and about that at Christmas. I was sick for both breaks. But then I knew I would be, since 90% of my coworkers for the three weeks leading up to TG and Christmas were AT WORK and SICK. I was surrounded.

So please...

View attachment 45818

First and most important, I'm glad you are feeling better.

I agree, stay home. But as one who is not given any sick time, it is easy to go to work and preserve the meager 11 days of vacation a year (+ 4 holidays) our employer gives us for the first six years we work there. I have worked for an institution (of higher education) that had 10 six days as part of their employment package, and had watched certain employees of that institution get sick for exactly the number of days they were given to be sick, year after year. Not one less, not one more. I'm not going to mention Don's name, as I'm sure he doesn't drink wine nor does he remember who in the heck I am (I worked at the institution I graduated from for a few years post graduation), but I can see why a company that is trying to make money would not offer sick days. Now if he drank more wine he probably wouldn't get sick so much and his heart would be healthier to boot. Most companies are not willing to figure out the additional costs of everyone in a department eventually getting sick and losing valuable work time, therefore no paid sick time is offered. That being said, when I'm sick, I stay home. When sick I tend to not be thinking all that clearly and have to spend the next week when I'm not sick fixing any programming that I broke when I was sick (happens when I drink to much the night before too).

So as the second plank to my run to be elected as President of these United States, I declare that my second action in office will be to start legislation to enact the requirement for at least 5 days of paid sick leave per year. My first act is to abolish daylight savings time.

This message has been created in part from the ongoing effects of beer and wine drinking in America. Please support these activities in your local community, and Thank You!