Wisconsin Beer Legislation

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Senior Member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
I found this information on another forum and thought I would pass the information on. Scary thought that Wisconsin, America's Beerland, would even think aboutrestricting brewers who share. It just goes to show what some money can do. If it passes here it could pass anywhere!

Check out the link!

The old saying still fits! "No one's Life, Liberty or Pursuit of Happiness is safe while the legislature is in session."
No kidding! And then there is the glorious Minnesota legislature who can't even come up with a budget! Most of our state government is shut down! I think they should all get fined for not completing their work on time instead of rewarded with per diem!

In celebration of our nice hot weather I drank a bottle of beer that was imported to my home via a suit case from Austria. It was wonderful! Full bodied and great after taste!


No beer distributor involved here!