Wine competition feedback

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
I finally got feedback on the wine I entered.

Award: None
Appearance: Oxidized
Aroma: Musty/Stale
Taste: Not Typical varietal flavor
Finish: Low acid

2005 Pinot Noir
Award: Gold
Appearance: Good color
Aroma: Light nose
Taste: No comment
Finish: Well balanced

I'm still trying to figure out what bottle of Riesling they opened. I haven't opened any other bottles of it that would fit those descriptors. How can that be?

And how can their be "no comment" about the taste of a gold medal wine? That seems strange to me.

Edited by: Joan
Dont take any of this to heart Joan, these people are not of the same
taste as you and us. I bet you could bring 3 bottles of the same wine
,peel the labels off and they would give each bottle a different review.
I'm not taking it to heart, Wade. I just thought it all was interesting. I'm aware that taste, color, aroma, finish, and appearance are in the eye of the beerholder.
I think the "no comment" on the pinot would bother me more than the uneducated comments on the Riesling!

Hmmm.... if that's the kind of feedback people get on their wines then I'm going to start offering a service. If anyone on this board wants a full evaluation of any of their wines, PM me for my address and I'd be happy to give a verbose evaluation!
I would guess that the "no comment" meant that your PN tasted like the varietal was supposed to. Keep in mind that these judges are going through a bunch of wines and probably spending several hours (depending on # of judges and # of entries). They probably want to keep the comments short and sweet so they can get out of there.