Welch’s white wine.

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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2018
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First gallon batch of Wine from Welch’s white grape juice. Tastes surprisingly good. 10-375 ml bottles.
Right on, looks tasty. Did you look for a specific type of juice? Preservative free or anything like that? I've made cider from store bought stuff and it was way easier than the whole fruits I've been messing around with. I'm intrigued by the idea of fermenting store bought juice.
Right on, looks tasty. Did you look for a specific type of juice? Preservative free or anything like that? I've made cider from store bought stuff and it was way easier than the whole fruits I've been messing around with. I'm intrigued by the idea of fermenting store bought juice.

Welch’s white grape juice. Only place I could find it where I am is Shoppers Drug Mart. It had Potasium metabisulphate but no preservatives.

I also make wine/cider with store bought apple juice as well, it is awesome!