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The first big batch is always the hardest. Once you create a wine stockpile it becomes much easier to wait for new batches to properly mature.
okay daily update here, shelves have been placed in the closet and now my wine is clearing in a low light, temperature controlled environment. something new to note, 1 of the 3 1gal carboys is actually lighter and clearer than the other two. dont know why this is, same amount of everything was added to the carboys as they came out of the bucket. no taste testing occured just moved from kitchen counter to closet. now out of sight out of mind so it can age.

took it out today to take a look pics below



Pics from 8/17/12



sorry pics are so big, i took a little taste as well, its still bitter
Woop Woop for us closet winemakers. Awesome news on the Dragons Blood, can't wait to get mine started so we can compare notes, where are you from?
Woop Woop for us closet winemakers. Awesome news on the Dragons Blood, can't wait to get mine started so we can compare notes, where are you from?

indiana, north of Indy

in case you missed the study i say skip the bentonite
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Give it a week, then try it. You won't notice a huge taste difference in a day. But you will if you wait a week.
Give it a week, then try it. You won't notice a huge taste difference in a day. But you will if you wait a week.

:( i know i know :(

its nice now that i have it in its hiding spot and another batch going i have something else to keep me occupied but im gonna need more gallon jugs soon :)
Didn't you pull it out of the hiding spot after only a day in hiding? I think you need a better hiding spot... :)
indiana, north of Indy

in case you missed the study i say skip the bentonite
Wait what study thats skipping bentonite? Also I saw a winery ad today that was like "Come try our new merlot with aromas of blah blah blah, and the strong taste of clay"
^^^ why would you want the taste of clay?
Didn't you pull it out of the hiding spot after only a day in hiding? I think you need a better hiding spot... :)

hey hey hey that was a full 22 hours that i had it hiding in there it was for a clarity check which was a ton better, now its gonna sit there for 3 or 4 days just to show you i have will power....or maybe its cause im going out of town, im sticking with will power :sm

Wait what study thats skipping bentonite? Also I saw a winery ad today that was like "Come try our new merlot with aromas of blah blah blah, and the strong taste of clay"
^^^ why would you want the taste of clay?

it brings back childhood memories, next it will be tastes of crayon and elmers glue :)

this study:
well, will power didnt really work i got back home last night and pulled it for clarity check again, and its clearing up nicely.

my thoughts with this batch are once it hits a nice clear spot im gonna move it to clean carboys and let it age for a while there, once it gets to a point im gonna back sweeten it, but im gonna wait till its not so bitter. the one i plan to use just sugar i may do it and see where it ends up, but the ones i plan to use juice in im going to wait for sure.

reracked it all last night, pulled it all for another clarity check the kids are like dad i can see you through it so i guess that means its clear hahah

everything is in a clean carboy now i added sugar to 1gal and called it SUGAR
added the Berry Blend juice concentrate F-Pak to another 1gal called it T-Berry
added the Blueberry Pomegranate Juice concentrate F-Pak to the last 1gal called it BB Pom

all of these are topped up nicely found out that my 1/2 auto siphon works great but it doesnt fit in every one of my carboys necks :( its about 50/50 on fitting. everything is looking good just gonna let them sit in the jugs now and add sugar to the ones with the F-Paks' later on.
well, will power didnt really work i got back home last night and pulled it for clarity check again, and its clearing up nicely.

my thoughts with this batch are once it hits a nice clear spot im gonna move it to clean carboys and let it age for a while there, once it gets to a point im gonna back sweeten it, but im gonna wait till its not so bitter. the one i plan to use just sugar i may do it and see where it ends up, but the ones i plan to use juice in im going to wait for sure.


2 weeks after adding sparkolloid, the bitter/young wine flavor will have dissipated enough to properly sweeten. Since you obviously have no will power, I say plan to sweeten and drink soon. :)

I would also suggest bottling at least 1 bottle dry, 1 off dry (just a little sweetness) and the rest at full sweetness. Save the dryer ones and try them in 3 months. That way you will be able to judge which level of sweetness is best over time. Personally I think 1.006-1.007 is just right. But in my newest batches I'm going to do the dry test as well cause I'm curious. :dg
reracked it all last night, pulled it all for another clarity check the kids are like dad i can see you through it so i guess that means its clear hahah

everything is in a clean carboy now i added sugar to 1gal and called it SUGAR
added the Berry Blend juice concentrate F-Pak to another 1gal called it T-Berry
added the Blueberry Pomegranate Juice concentrate F-Pak to the last 1gal called it BB Pom

all of these are topped up nicely found out that my 1/2 auto siphon works great but it doesnt fit in every one of my carboys necks :( its about 50/50 on fitting. everything is looking good just gonna let them sit in the jugs now and add sugar to the ones with the F-Paks' later on.

Ah, made my previous post before reading this one. Well congrats! How did they taste?
still bitter, but i believe after a couple of days they should smooth out, the flavor has changed for sure im getting more of a wine flavor now than i was. Now im gonna let them clear again couple of them got a little cloudy during transfer/sweetening. once the dust settles again im going to taste again and most likely bottle so i cant just pull a bung and taste and well i need more carboy space got stuff i gotta make.

so far im super impressed with the apple wine it has tasted great since day one its super gassy though almost like a soda right now.
Yeah, I love my apple cider and apple pie cider. But I bet both will be even better over the holiday season (when it cools off out). I'm tempted to heat some up to see how it tastes warm.
okay stop it, you know how my will power is here i dont wanna stop my apple batch early :)

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