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Do you use the internet at work for personal use?

  • Yes , I have free access

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, never

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When I can get away with it

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Senior Member
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
Just wondering...we had to sign a statement at workthat if we are caught on the internet that we will be fired. I can see that,if it gets abusive but to check email, the news, weather, your bank account.....and the forum
when you have a little down time. I think it breaks the monotny and stimulates your mind. We all need a little diversion during the day. What's your take on it?

It is a very big dilemna. A lot of my orders come in during the day while people are at work. It also turns out that the biggest day for online orders is Monday, when people go back to work. Apparently, there is a problem. How big it is and to what extend it is affecting productively versus the improvement in moral is probably a very interesting question.

In addition, we are in a new world where people want their information NOW, not at 6:00 during dinner time. Plus, more people are invested in the stock market, so they want to know what is going on. I have always felt that an informed public was better for our country than an ignorant one. As a result, as long as employees are not abusing the internet, downloading bad software or visiting questionable sites, I think it is good for the company. You are always going to have some that abuse it, but you have that with coffee breaks, telephone calls, copy machines, sick days, etc. In my humble opinion, outlawingthe internetcompletely will not be good for your company.
Can I pick two cause I live at my job 14 day or more out of a month with different company men at each location, sometimes they are cool and say ya go ahead and use it and others say no way. Then we kinda just splice in anyway what they don't know wont hurt em!
Edited by: RAMROD
SHHHHHH.....don't tell but....I'm not allowed on the internet but the
firewall doesn't catch everything and for some reason I can get lucky day!! Anyway being a great union worker
in the good old USA!! I would just be taking a nap I'm on
vacation this week and home now testing some welche's wine (it's a
tough job, but someone has to do it) anyway I went to my second job in
Boston yesterday (200 miles away) and drove my 18 wheeler for one day
and told them to stick it up their a** I'm just going to have to live
on my income from one job, I've had enough chasing the buck. So lets
make some more wine and beer!!
I have access to the Internet at all times with the understanding it can't get in the way of getting my job done. My company uses the Internet and their company business only Intranet for many required employee electronic tasks like time card, training, benefits, etc.

Just need to follow the written procedure on usage and use your head about it!
Most everyone where I work has access to the internet. Our computer at home is our link to the outside world. If not for the internet we wouldn't have gotten to meet all you great folks in Forum Land! Where I work as long as we're not going bad places, bringing on viruses and it doesn't interfere with our work, we can be on line. Some days there's a lot of boring repetition in my job and the internet keeps me from wigging out or falling asleep. Checking the news, forum and email can keep my brain engaged and keep me from becoming comotose. Good luck to all of you who are being opressed by management!
Edited by: PolishWineP
I work 7p-6a most of the time and sometimes 6p-6a, so I gotta do something to stimulate my mind. The IS guys have all kinds of tattle-tell programs and such so they would know if I have been somewhere I shouldn't. They are probably more guilty of internet abuse than anyone. My boss has never said anything to me about the internet. The other maintenance guys play and surf all day and get nothing done while supervisors and bosses abound plentiful during those hours, so I guess it is OK for me.

You have read my thoughts exactly. This week at work has just droned along. I've been at my job for a very long time and can do it in my sleep. It's just those moments when there is absolutey nothing to do but wait on a report to print or being caught up and bored that are just driving mecrazy. Just wanted to see what you all think since it has really chapped my hide!!

I take a lot of work home with me, so my employer has no problem with me taking a break and accessing the internet for personal use while at work.