Strawne Clearing

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May 7, 2015
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Strawberry Clearing

First timer....

My strawberry wine has been in the carboy for less than a month. My instructions say to rack every 2 months until clear. We did rack once last week bc it had a large pile of sediment in the bottom. I topped off to keep from having too much headspace. It does have more sediment that has dropped to the bottom but it looks very clear! Do I rerack again, or just go ahead and leave it for 2 months? When do I know for sure it is ready to bottle? I don't want to jump the gun.
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You'll hear this a lot here "be patient". I'd leave it for a couple of months, it's still dropping sediment, although less as time goes on. After next racking let it set another couple of months, if it doesn't drop more then bottle.
It can look really clear but if you bottle too early it will drop sediment in the bottle. Sounds like you're right on track.

What happens all the time is that people will see that the wine is clear, then bottle it only to find a lot of sediment in the bottle several weeks later. In other words, although the wine may look clear, sediment will still form as you go along.

like Krafty said, be patient and wait. You will be rewarded.