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Jan 8, 2013
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I just started my first ever attempt at home brewing wine from a kit from Midwest supplies a little over a week ago. I believe I started it Monday. It was too cold in my house so by the time I realized what the issue was and moved it to a warmer spot it was Thursday night. It started fermenting and foaming like crazy on Friday and JUST started slowing down yesterday. There is still a significant amount of bubbles and foam in one corner just not the pure mayhem that was going on. I also noticed, however, a more distinct smell. I can't really describe it other than to say it does smell fruity and somewhat of spoilage. I am just paranoid that I ruined my batch since I think (think) I smell a hint of eggs. Is this normal or should I be concerned? It's a red wine.
I would give the wine a really good stir.

Which kit exactly are you making?
Is this your first attempt at fermenting wine? (I guess I am asking if you know from experience how it should smell.) Some kits smell more of sulfur than others, but still turn out fine.
What is the present SG reading?
Are you following the kit instructions? Some people deviate some.
Are you using the yeast packet that came with the kit?
robie said:
I would give the wine a really good stir.

Which kit exactly are you making?
Is this your first attempt at fermenting wine? (I guess I am asking if you know from experience how it should smell.) Some kits smell more of sulfur than others, but still turn out fine.
What is the present SG reading?
Are you following the kit instructions? Some people deviate some.
Are you using the yeast packet that came with the kit?

Not at home at the moment so I can't check or sure but yes this is my first time. I have followed the instructions and used everything that came with it. My hydrometer was broken upon arrival so I am still waiting for one unfortunately.
You are likely just fine, however, I would give the wine a good stir.

You did not mention which exact kit you are making...

Your wine is nearing the need to move it to secondary fermentation. As soon as you get that hydrometer, check the SG and do whatever your instructions say to do for that SG.

If it is going to be several days before you get the hydrometer, get back to us tomorrow on this same thread. Do you have a carboy and air lock?

It is a good idea to order a second hydrometer, because they break so easily. As a new wine maker, it is very difficult to work without a hydrometer.
I'm working on my first kit as well and probably 10 days or so ahead of you. I'm working with WineExpert Internationale Cab/Shiraz. It stunk of sulfur big time. After racking into the secondary fermenter it's gotten a little better, but still stinks. I've read tons of articles as to the cause and how to fix it. When all is said and done, my local home brew guy told me to leave it alone and forgo the splash racking, copper filtration, etc etc. as a previous post suggested, if I could go back in time, I would have given it a good stir a couple of days into the initial fermentation.

Sorry, I know I'm not offering any help, but wanted you to know you're not alone.

No disrespect to your local home brew shop guy, but I respectfully disagree, I'd splash rack now before it becomes a major problem. If you've racked into a secondary and it still smells, you need to be proactive and act now.
Vino Italiano 4 Week Wine Kit, Valpolicella Style

Unfortunately I just realized that the replacement hydrometer I ordered today was the incorrect one. The smell seems to have disappated - it may have only been present due to the brew belt it seems (made it come up). I took the brew belt off this morning and it went away. Now I just have to wait two or three days until my real hydrometer and star san comes.
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Pumpkinman said:
No disrespect to your local home brew shop guy, but I respectfully disagree, I'd splash rack now before it becomes a major problem. If you've racked into a secondary and it still smells, you need to be proactive and act now.

Even though I have another 5 or 6 days before racking again, go ahead and splash rack now? What about pouring over copper flashing while I do that?
Todd, if it is still fermenting, I'd add yeast nutrient such as fermaid K, it is possible that it is fermenting fast and needs nutrients.
Pumpkinman said:
Todd, if it is still fermenting, I'd add yeast nutrient such as fermaid K, it is possible that it is fermenting fast and needs nutrients.

It had a very fast fermentation and has stopped at this point.
That makes sense, the fast fermentation is most likely the reason for the sulfur smell, are you sure that it has stopped or is it just fermenting slow now that most of the sugars are fermented out?
You need to check it with a hydrometer to determine if it is done.
It's been holding steady at .990 for some time now. It's been in the secondary fermenter for about 4 days along with the clarifying agents (metabisulphite, sorbate and clarifier) instructions say to leave it there another 4 days and rack again. Suggestions? I'm thinking my first batch is a bust
I am doing a Wine expert Sauv Blanc kit. It was slow starting due to low temps in the room. When I got it up to 70-75 it jumped but it is day10 and it is still1.020. Problem , at day 8 my spaceheater stuck on and raised the temp of the wine to 92. Today it is really foamy with a cream on top and smells bad. real bad. Should I be worried?
I have had the egg (sulfur) smell twice and splash racking took care of it both times. I would splash rack as soon as possible and then get it back under an airlock.

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