smell in primary

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Jan 29, 2012
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recenty i fermented a bath of peppermint wine in my 8 gallon white fermetor. its an "ale pale" bucket and after i cleaned it and sanitized the bucket it still has a strong peppermint smell. is there anything i can do to remove this smell from my primary. any suggestions would be great. id hate to start a batch of strawberry and it turn into strawberry mint wine.....or something along those lines! thanks!
This is a problem using a plastic primary. The plastic carries the aroma and therefore the flavor of the previous brew. This is why I always recommend that my customers have one for wine and one for beer. I have never had one that smelled of peppermint before. All I can think of is bicarbonate of soda and hot hot water. I would allow to soak for a couple of days after filling and do not be stingy with the soda. If that does not work I would be at a loss.
some aromas are stronger than others, and therefore also harder to get rid of than others....root beer, in fact, comes to mind...i have made homemade rootbeer soda at home using extract, and i can tell you once you use some equipment for that, it winds up being the only thing you can use that equipment for....some ingredients just wind up leeching into the plastic, quite of opposite of what we are used to worrying about when it comes to using a non-food grade plastic, and having that leech into our wine/beer....
ill give baking soda and hot water a try first. worst comes to worse ill keep it for cleaning equipment. i guess i learned my lesson on this one..... thanks for the help!