Should I restart my Elderberry wine?

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Sep 22, 2010
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Hi Can anyone help?
I have made some Elderberry port wine with the initial SG reading of 1.120 There has been a vigorous fermentation over the last two weeks however there has been no sign of any fermentation for the last three days. I have recently racked the wine and the current reading is still 1.030. It smells good and taste sweet (not surprisingly) I have calculated the ABV to be 12.16% is it possible to restart when the alcohol is this high?

Can anyone advise if I should try and restart the fermentation or accept that it is finished (and sweet) wine?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Can anyone help?
I have made some Elderberry port wine with the initial SG reading of 1.120 There has been a vigorous fermentation over the last two weeks however there has been no sign of any fermentation for the last three days. I have recently racked the wine and the current reading is still 1.030. It smells good and taste sweet (not surprisingly) I have calculated the ABV to be 12.16% is it possible to restart when the alcohol is this high?

Can anyone advise if I should try and restart the fermentation or accept that it is finished (and sweet) wine?
Thanks for your help.

What yeast did you use? Just curious ...

You can make a starter with EC1118, which has an alcohol tolerance of 18%. Rehydrate and add small amounts of the wine every few hours to get the yeast conditioned and going strong. Then pitch.
Re Start

Thanks for advice , I will give that a go. The yeast was not anything special so probably why it has ended when it did.