Should I filter a Port?

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Dec 16, 2008
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Just puchased a Chocolate-orange Port wine kit. The instructions say that the finished wine must be filtered. I guess the wine has some residual sugar and secondary fermentation in the bottle can happen.
But is it really necessary to filter? I will do it if needed but I don't own a filter (prob will need to buy a mini-jet). Any other options?
As you believe it is just a precaution. Dont bottle this 1 too early as it will drop a lot of sediment so I would say to bulk age until it drops no more or filter like they suggest.
Wade E is right, if you wait long enough everything will drop out. Before I bought my buon filter I just filtered through a muslin cloth in the funnel. Catches most of the big stuff. Hopefully everything else has fallen.

Some people actually age their wine for 8 months.