RANT: Well, it must be spring in the South!

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Well, I can tell it's spring! A second morning coming to work with motorcyclists splitting the lanes at 90 mph when auto traffic is 70 mph and there is about a car's length of space between each vehicle. If I don't see you flying up alongside me and weaving in and out, and then I hit you and kill you, it won't be on my conscience. I used to ride, and this is suicidal behavior, so I'll just chalk it up to you wanting to die. Sigh... I will see this behavior now at least once a week until it gets cold again.
I had a biker do that to me, he was behind me and when I finally had room to get into the fast lane I had my blinker on for 30 seconds he tried to whip around me in between two cars. His eyes were as big as plates I missed him by 6 inches to a foot. I too used to ride and these guys give bikers a bad name
Here it's totally prohibited. It's a good thing, because if you try splitting lane in Qc, someone will hit you voluntarily under 100m.:sh

Problem of mentality. Not very comprehensive here....
I ride.
I can't stand those that blatantly break the rules giving the rest a bad name.

Just today a colleague told me how much they hate motorcycles - but further inquisition led to defining it as any vehicle with loud exhausts in the middle of the night but the initial anger was towards motorcycles.
I ride.
I can't stand those that blatantly break the rules giving the rest a bad name.

Just today a colleague told me how much they hate motorcycles - but further inquisition led to defining it as any vehicle with loud exhausts in the middle of the night but the initial anger was towards motorcycles.

I see this behavior several times a week. I used to ride. It is idiotic. These guys all have a masculinity problem, and they feel they need to dominate the traffic. Traffic needs to move for them.

I had one almost do a rear-endo on my car like in the vid. Then we pulled to a stoplight, and he put the bike on the stand and came up to my window. I rolled it down. He was cussing me and waving his arms.

I looked directly at him, waited for the tirade to calm, and said, "I used to ride. You are insane. If you keep on riding like that, you are a dead man. Guaranteed."

He stared at me, then stalked back to his bike. Shrug.
Wait!!! Was that a chuckle I heard??? You know ,, When that happens in the video game, you simply push a button and continue on. Never saw that button on a real one:slp
What thinking, when I see this...

let's just say that you side swipe the bike while it is in your blind spot. He gets hurt and you get sued!!!
We also ride motorcycles. I can't imagine that kind of traffic, let alone weaving in and out of it! It is spring in the north also, we revved them up and took a ride last weekend, 70 in March in Wyoming...Yikes
I see this behavior several times a week. I used to ride. It is idiotic. These guys all have a masculinity problem, and they feel they need to dominate the traffic. Traffic needs to move for them.

There's a neighboring town that has a group of sportbikers that regularly stunt on public roads. I simply stay clear of it with my bike to as not get caught up in it.

Closer to home the behavior is far more rare. Not sure why the disparity.
I'm scared of motorcycles. Here it is illegal to lane split but people do t anyways. I've had several friends have bad accidents with their bikes. It doesn't matter who is at fault, the guy on a motorcycle will take the brunt of it. My husband rides, and I worry about him. Fortunately he is very defensive and his bike isn't very powerful so he couldn't race down the roads even if he wanted to.