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Oct 21, 2006
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<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Hi! My husband mixed up 5 gallons of persimmon wine from ripe American persimmons, added one <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Camden</st1:place></st1:City> tablet, waited, then added the yeast. He said he reread the recipe and was supposed to add one tablet per gallon, not one for 5 gallons. Since he already added the yeast, he was wondering if there is anything he can do to correct this.
Thank you!
What the sulfides do is prevent wild yeast from fermenting; giving the yeast you pick out a chance. If the must starts fermenting today or in the morning let it ferment. If itdoesn't start thengo ahead and add 3 or 4 more Camden tablets and wait 24 hrs before pitching the yeast.
Hi Angell...thank you! Will tell DH.
If it's too late, will not having enough camden affect it, or will it be ok?
I don't think there's enough sulfides in there right now to inhibit the yeast you pitch. I would make sure that all equipment that you do use is very sanitized.Edited by: Angell Wine
Will ask him which one he used tomorrow
Welcome daht!

You've come to the right place for help. There are some pretty knowledgeable individuals here.
DH is making 5 gallons (he has a 5 gallon carboy) ; he has already added yeast, and is near step 5.

Here's the recipe:

3lb persimmons
7 pts water
2-1/4 lbs sugar
2-1/2tsp acid blend
1/2 tsp pectic emzyme
1 tsp nutrient
1 campden, crush
1 pkg wine yeast

pick fully ripr, preferably after 1st frost.
1.wash &amp; drain; halve,reemove seeds ; use straining bag, crush,mash &amp; squeeze out juice into primary fermentor.
2. Keeping pulp in bag, tie top, place in primary. Stir in all other ingredients EXCEPT yeast. Cover primary.
3. After 24 hrs, add yeast, cover.
4. Stir daily, check spec. grav., press pulp to aid extraction.
5. When s.g. reaches 1.040 (3-5 days), strain juice lightly from bag. Syphon wine off sediment into glass secondary. Attach lock.
6. When fermentation is complete (s.g.1.000 about 3 wks), syphon off sediment into clean secondary. Reattach lock.
7. To add in clearing , syphon again in 2 months and again before bottling if necessary.

If a slightly sweetened wine is more to taste, then, at bottling, add 1/2 tsp stabilizer, then stir in 1/4-1/2 lb. dissolved sugar per gallon.

from Winemaker's Recipe Handbook, p.26, #78 Persimmon

Thank you!
If your fruit is extremely clean and your fermenter is properly sanitized you may not have a problem. But this is a fantastic opportunity to compare a couple of batches.

When you rack this one to a carboy why not start another batch with the proper amount of Kmeta then compare the two. Mistakes are just opportunities to learn and succeed with the next batch.

Thanks for posting the recipe daht.Now the quest begins for some nice ripe persimmions
Glad to!
andI forgrot to say the recipe is for 1 gallon....!

Anyone have any thoughts on what to do if it does have a problem? Can it be saved?