Missoula Vinyard

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Al, the difference is that I invaded my wife's Iris' with the vines!

BUT, she still loves me so it's all right!
I was going through pictures today and found this -- the bundle of 25
pinot noir vines that came last May. I had taken the picture, meaning to post
it when I was updating at that time. But I forgot! But the memories of opening up that bundle of joy came back and I had to share it with you. I had only room for 16 of them (but 25 vines were cheaper!
) but at Appleman's suggestion I found room
for the others. They are the ones now among the iris'. All are doing
well -- most up to or on the first catch wire. I'll send updated pic's
when I can.

Hi Dave,
Always good to hear good news in the grape growing game!

Pinot Noir in Montana - it seems so unusual. Will you put them on the ground during the winter as NW does with some of hers?

Keep up the good work.
I would like to try some Shiraz...wonder how they would do in Arkansas
Gee, Waldo, why not? I'm not sure about Syrah (or Shiraz) in Arkansas. It seems like the issues have to do with disease and growing conditions as much as anything -- and you certainly know about growing just about anything there!

One reason I picked the Pinot Noir was that several small vinyards have had success with it near here -- but they are along the lake in the Flathead Valley. They are likely moderated by the lake effect just enough to make it different from here but we have mild termperatures in this part of Montana, so we'll see.

The other reason was the price -- I was looking to fill in with something -- about a dozen vines -- Billbo sent me some cuttings along with some I got locally from Ten Spoons vineyards -- Leon Millot and Marachal Foch were the ones that rooted, and I added a couple Edelweiss. The price break for the PN (Martini clones) was at 25 vines ($2 each) and the shipping/packing was the same whether it was 5, 10 or 25 -- so I figure I've got them for just over $3 a vine, which isn't bad, especially if they work out!
Fall Pruning Questions!

Okay -- on a couple of threads we talked about "prune in the fall?" or "prune in the spring?"

I need further input!


It might be hard to see, but what was a whole year of growth was "pruned" by one of our local vermin in the last two nights. Here is a different view.

You can see there are still some leaves on the top wire (at about 5 1/2 feet) and a few lower to the ground (I guess Bambi didn't want to stretch too far up OR down!

These are Bilbo's Marachal Foch that were doing so well! The Millot took it the most, because they had put on tremendous growth this year. There is still enough growth on all, and so far, they left the Pinot Noir alone.

We first thought they had nudged open and squeezed through the gate. But I now think they are jumping over the deer netting at a point where it is about 7' high! Oh, and Rich, they walked right by (and nibbled next to) the Irish Spring!

Given they nipped mainly tendrils and leaves, what do you think the damage is? And, will it really affect next year? (Other than a new and higher fence!)

They should be alright, but may have a bit more winter damage than you would like. Why? Because I expect those vines to push new leaves this fall, which will be a net loss of reserves in the roots. With any luck, the new growth will get large enough to replace spent reserves before a freeze this fall. When we talk about pruning in the fall, it is after dormancy sets in. Good luck/ Oh and you better set up some really big rat traps. LOL
That's some serious pruning.....

Some friends have been spraying their flowers with a product called Deer and Rabbit Repellent...It comes in a 1 gallon jug with a spray handle on it....It smells bad enough to turn your stomach....Much urine and rotten eggs.....they say it works.

Another friend says he puts eggs in water in his pump sprayer, shakes it up and that works...**** Be sure to put the egg in a little bowl and take out that tiny little egg membrane first...it will plug your sprayer.

Hope deer season is near....

Edited by: Northern Winos
Cold, down to 10 or more below zero last week; now this week, it is 47 degrees and everything is melting! I'd take pictures but I waited too long for the fresh snow, now there are patches of green grass poking through! Global warming???
47°F ABOVE zero would be really nice right now....
We have gotten down to -24°F a couple times....nasty. It can get worse than that around here.
It hasn't thawed around here for quite some time...
Getting Winter Weary....
NW, next time your TV wx person shows you that Arctic air mass coming down from our friends to the north, look at the western edge. Last week we were in it; this week it's to the east (in Eastern Montana/NoDak) and we've got the moderating influence of the Pacific storms -- more moisture but warmer.

But don't worry... like Ahnold, the Alberta Clipper "will be back!"
When I lived in Alberta we had Chinooks or frigid air in the winters...

Now, I live here and get Alberta Clippers...never a good air mass...Fast moving cold/wind/snow.

Or, we get winds from the East...that never bring anything good...Summer or winter....A storm is brewing.
Time to think about PRUNING! These are pictures of the last of the snow, and if you look hard, you can see that I have pruning of 25 one-year old vines (pinot noir) similar to this one. Note the multiple stems from last summer's growth. Many are like that.


Two year old vines -- these are Leon Millot with P. Noir by the back fence. This is second year growth and they all did the best (thanks Bill!) Note several have had a couple secondary sprouts from the ground that I let grow on the theory that I'll pick the best one.... (don't know if that's best, but it's what happened!


The is more Leon and Mar. Foch on the right and in back. Hard to see in the sun but the Foch was not as vigorous as the Millot.


These were all taken March 6. Little snow left - a few spots where it was piled deep from shoveling -- it'll be gone by the weekend since today was 52* even though the lows are in the 20's. Oh, and the Squala hatch and March browns will begin in the next week! Life's good in the Last Best Place!
great pics thansk for sharing...we start some pruning this week God willing
your wood is looking good!
So your four leggedhelpers hadn't finished pruning your vines yet for you this winter?

I hope they give you some crop this year then the real fun and rewards begin!
Well, I have to say that it took almost 3 hours to prune 38 vines!

Never has a vine had such a hard look before the decision to squeeze those pruning shears! There were several plants with two strong trunks and I just didn't have the heart to cut one. I think I'll have one trunk go to a low wire and the other a higher wire (but am always happy to hear opinions!

And, I'm happy to say that every vine -- including the Pinot Noirs planted last year -- survived the winter. I'm saying that because every vine produced green cuts. Some of the buds I rubbed off on the trunks were soft and green inside too -- I think that's a good sign that bud-break is just around the corner... No?

Then, when I was finished I had so many good cuttings that I couldn't help myself: I root-toned the ends and stuck them in some perlite/potting soil/sand mix -- just to see what happens!

(For those who want a quick recap without reviewing the whole thread: Cuttings started in pots on the deck: spring 2006. A crop of "sticks" by mid-summer! Marachal Foch and Leon Millot cuttings graciously provided by Bilbo and rooted and planted in spring 2007. At the end of that summer, a local hardware store garden shop had several Edelweiss on sale in the pots -- (pretty cheap as I recall without looking back in the thread). In 2008 I had a total of 3 Foch and 8 L. Millot that survived, plus two Edelweiss. There is Pinot Noir grown north of us near Flathead Lake so I ordered from Inland Desert nursury in Washington State, 25 Pinot bare-root plants. They went in the ground last spring.)
Great Job Dave. It is always so tempting when you prune the vines to keep a bunch of cuttings. I always do it. I pruned today and kept a bunch of Marquette for rooting.

Be sure to keep us filled in as the season develops!
They're looking wonerful!

I just finished my spring pruning, staking and trellissing on my second year vines. On the advice of the nurseryman that I got them from, I have been planning to double trunk my vines. This gives me insurance against winter kill as well.

Keep up the good work,