Hypothetical: How would you ship wine?

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Senior Member
Dec 24, 2005
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Since it is 'illegal' in my state to send or recieve wine, I am asking for purely 'hypothetical' reasons.

Last time I visited Florida I was able to locate a wine merchant who sold me a case of wines and they provided, at no cost, a box that was designed with a styrofoam insert to hold wines for shipping. Unfortunately it was damaged in transit. Though, the wine was not. It worked as intended... it took a bunch of punishment and the wine faired just fine. I must say I was inpressed (and my thirst was also quenched).

Does anyone know where 'one' could get such a box and I was hoping to pay what I originally did (nothing).... Or maybe just shipping...

I'm planning a business trip to Louisiana in the end of this month and have my scopes on some Blueberry and Muscadine wine since I am unable to get some here and have never tried them.

Any help, advice, or direction giving will be gladly accepted as I will be lost from the 'get-go' on this one.
And just for anyone wondering I will be visiting Lafayette and New Orleans....

Thanks in advance,
I have had good luck shipping wines in the case cardboard box it is packed in from the winery since it is very sturdy. I fill the voids in the case box with styrofoam peanuts and the place the box inside a bigger box with plenty of peanuts for extra protection.
I sealed each bottle of "marinade" in a large zip lock bag, then wrapped it in 2 layers of bubble wrap. I then wrapped each in newspaper, placed it in a large paper grocery bag and placed them in a sturdy box. Fill voids with packing peanuts and shipped with UPS. All bottles of "marinade" made it safely to Texas.
I've also sealed each bottle of "perfume" in a zip-lock bag (with those zippers, not the press together kind), wrapped in bubble-wrap and peanuts (compliments of Geocorn.

UPS is the only way to go, because they usually don't ask what's in there. If they do, it was hobby supplies or perfume.
I don't ship wine, however I ship Maple Syrup, what I try to avoid is paying for a Hazmat team cleanup in case of a leak.

I wrap each bottle in a ziplock bag, use one layer of large bubble
wrap, then one more ziplock bag, pack them in a large box with extra
space and use lots of syrofoam peanutes, and clearly label every side
including the bottom of the box Maple Syrup, this way if the box gets
damaged or leaks they know whats in there.
Speeking with no experience at all..........

You can buy those styrofoam containers from UPS store. The ones that I use ........... I mean, the ones I have seen will hold 2 bottles and completely seal them perfectly. Box them up and ship. Cost to ship from NC to FLis $10.11.....

But again... Im speaking with no experience

Edited by: jobe05
Heck, just bring the wine to my house and I will help you drink it and you won't have to worry about shipping it!
I live between Lafayette and N.O. If you drive from one to the other, you are gonna pass my place.

OK, thanks for the info. We'll have to see how it works. I have been playing with the idea of just brining an extra suitcase and packing some bottles in with my clothes. (free shipping, since I have to pay for an airplane anyway).

ok Smurfe and USAFCajun, I'll be driving through on Saturday so keep your eyes out for a Yankee speeding in a rental car with boxes of wine in the backseat!

Hey, any suggestions on where i 'have to' go while down between Lafayette and N.O.?
Well, depends on what interests you. I always recommend touring some plantation homes. Some of the really famous ones are right in our area. (Oak Alley, Laura, Houmas House) There are swamp tours that many tourist enjoy.

If you are wanting to tour some wineries they are about an hour north of here and there is one about an hour north of N.O. but are kinda out of the way between Lafayette and N.O.

I haven't been to the Quarter since Hurricane Katrina so I don't know what it's like there now but from what I hear it is business as usual there. Lots of tourist stuff to do there. If you go there make sure you make it to Pat O's and have a Hurricane for me.

Man, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to go to New Orlean and order a "hurricane"!
I might be leaving looking more like this

I'll have to check it out. I'm taking my girlfriend down with me, so if I can talk her into the drive we might go see the winery. I wonder if there are any plantations on the way; maybe I could make it a multi-stop destination. I know she isn't won't be too interested in another hour driving after driving from Layfayette to N.O.

I will have to check out some o' dat good stoof though. Sounds like a good time for you to visit N.O. again...? Maybe you could bring USAFCajun w/you.
Well, if you drink a couple of them, you WILL look like that. The Wineries will be out of your way but the plantation homes will not be.

Feliciana Cellars and Casa De Sue Winery are about an hour north of Baton Rouge in the St. Francisville area which is a great little vacation spot on its own. If you have ever heard of the Myrtles Plantation (the haunted one) that is where it is at along with quite a few other nice homes. Ponchartrain Vineyards is east of us an hour or so and it is like an hour north of N.O. It is the only vineyard that grows regular grapes. The others grow Muscadine and blueberries while Ponchartrain grows Norton grapes.

There quite a few other plantation homes thatare between Baton Rouge and N.O. One of them (Houmas House) is very close to the Interstate as you drive through Gonzales. There are a few others across the river and then toward N.O. You just have to decide what you want to see.

In regards to N.O. you just have to look at a tourist guide and go from there but remember, some of the stuff may not be open anymore or even there but like I said, the Quarter didn't receive the damage other areas did so you should find tons to do there if you like to browse and shop and eat and drink, that about all N.O. is about.

When are you coming through? The wife has been harping me to go to N.O. if she can get away, we could head down there and show you around. I love th plantation homes as well. I have never been to any of the wineries but have always wanted to see them and plan to heard to Ponchartrain Vineyards sometime as I want to pick their brain if they will let me about growing Norton grapes in Louisiana. Let me know what your plans are.

Funny you ask. we are in Louisiana right now! (no time like the present).

We will be driving to New Orleans this saturday and leaving Monday morning. So if you are interested in Saturday or Sunday me and the girlfriend will be up for it let me know. Send me a private message and where we can meet you. I don't really konw where to meet but we will be comin from Layfayette sat and can meet you whenever.