Happy Thanksgiving

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2005
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To all of my friends on the forum I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving
Ditto, Santa!

Thanks for the happy wishes, and I wish you and everyone else the same!
Gosh, Waldo - you've already opened a bottle and started festivities! (Lets
see, central time is one hour earlier than eastern... um, seven take away
one is, umm...)

Happy Thanksgiving back at'cha, and to everyone else!!

BillEdited by: bilbo-in-maine
Thanks Waldo and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Let's all take a moment on this Holiday to give thanks for what we have and think about those who can't be home with their families.
Wow Waldo...... That would make a great wine label!

I hope all have a wonderfull Thanksgiving

And lets all not forget our boys and girls who are proudly fighting for our freedoms as our fore fathers did.

JOBE05, You said best lets definitly not forget our guys and gals fighting for our freedom where ever they may be!
Best Wishes for a Great Thanksgiving day to all of you and your families and friends!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving. I know I have a so much for which to be thankful and one of those things are "all of you". You are helping me to achieve my dream.

I am also very thankful for the brave men and women in uniform that are risking their lives for my freedom and for my freedom to have this business. My prayers are with them all!
I raise my glass to all our new friends here on the forum!
Glad to know you all. I'm thankful that the computer and internet age has allowed my world to grow so much, and it gives my family the ability to have easy communication with my son-in-law who is in Iraq.

Enjoy the day tomorrow, the food, the wine, the fellowship and all that we have.
Sorry I'm late. Went away to Branson, MO to be with family. 1500 miles in 4
days, but the best smoked ham (don't go for turkey myself), mashed
potatoes, not to mention the apple and cherry pie, pecan and pumkin pie,
fudge and sugar cookie turkeys with icing. Whew! what a feast.

Good to see the family. Better to list the things for which I'm thankful,
including you guys, George especially.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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