Garden_06 Pics

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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We are in planting time again in the north and here are a few pics of our veggie gardens.

The main raised bed garden that will only have cukes, tomatoes, and peppers this year. Compost, peat moss, lime and fertilizer has been added and just need to be turned over when I am ready to plant.


Found these in the compost bin....leftovers from the Pumpkin Pie Mead!


Broccoli in these Earth Boxes that are doing great and nuthin better than fresh brock from the garden!


Peas for my youngest boy Hunter in more Earth boxes and plenty of fence for them to climb and cover up.


Moved some Hostas from this garden next to the house and we have Romain lettuce, spinach, and parsley.

Edited by: masta
Looks great!! Wish I had a green thumb.............. I'd kill a cactus!
The broccoli is ready to harvest....Nuthin better than fresh brock from the garden!

Is that broccoli in the ground... or the earth boxes? I'm curious to see how your peas do in the boxes. All of it looks great. I'm an avid gardener in Maine... but I mostly do flowers. I got fed up battling deer and ground hogs for the veggies. They still chew onflowers but it's easier to get over flowers then your entire veggie patch.
The broccoli is in the earth boxes and the peas should be ready to harvest some in the next few days and I will post pictures!

Do you have any problems with the green worms on the broccoli. I grew it years ago but had such a problem with them.

We're practically neighbors, Bilbo. I'm in Westbrook. Small world, indeed. Have enuff rain yet? Thanks for the welcome, Ramona. Yes - when things get going I'll have lots of pictures to show off.
No greens worms for me as of yet and have been growing brock for 4-5 years now...or maybe they just blended in and i didn't noticed!

The green worms are the larvae of the Cabbage moth. If you don't know what they look like, do a search online and remember them. If you see some of them flying around the garden a week or two before the brocolli is ready, they will lay eggs and you will have the worms. You can spray with a bacillus product-which is naturally occuring, or just before you eat the brocolli, mix up a salt water solution and let the brocolli soak in it for a few minutes. That will incapacitate the worms and they drop out, leaving you a clean head to eat.

I wonder what brocolli whine tastes like?
The garden is looking good Masta. Cant wait to find a house so I can start my own.