Easter Weekend

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Apr 3, 2005
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The Easter weekend has begun! Time for family, friends and celebration of the miracle of rebirth. Even up here you can see chives and tulips coming back up from the dirt.

We have people coming from Wisconsin to help celebrate and by the time Easter dinner rolls around we'll have a house full of people!
We'll be breaking cresent rolls with good friends and family, sharing ham, home-smoked turkey and lots of other foods.

What do YOU have planned for the weekend?

Here's hoping everyone out there has a wonderful weekend!
Well...today it's halibut -- maybe even with a little of Masta's Mojjo! And a little Chardonnay with that, and maybe a taste of the just-bottled Pinot Noir after that ( it's "bottle 30" that was the beginning of the dregs!) -- just for taste-testing of course!

Tomorrow it's finish up taxes -- I'll stay AWAY from the wine for that, much as it would make it all "go down" a little easier!

Then after church on Sunday it'll bechardonnay and merlot -- that'swith the ham -- and maybe even after!(ham makes you thirsty!)

Happy Easter!
Thanks PWP,

Our Easter will be laid back, as all our holidays are. We're a "no-frills" type of family and just like the holidays as an excuseto get together. And birthdays.
The last few years, we celebrate with our family of 5 (me, my husband, my parents and sister) only, but usually extend our homes to long-time family friends who may not be able to care for themselves during the holidays. Usually older friends of my parents, who don't have family (or very small) in the States. This year, however, we'll be celebrating with only 4 people, as my husband is on-call.

We'll be having ham, potatoes, green-beans and strudel for dessert. Since my sister is vegetarian, we'll also have a couple of non-meat stuff, which I prefer anyway too (although I wouldn't call myself a veggie).

The wine will probably be a normal red one (store-bought), but who knows - my parents loved the daylily and rose-hip wines.
Happy Easter Everyone!

The morning will be quiet, my son (the freshman in college) has one egg to find
Each year I try and hide one egg in a very hard place to find. This year I bet he don't find it. So far the only hints I have given is: it's well worth your time and it is in the house.

For dinner we will be going to my parents house for steak, spaghetti, salad and strawberry shortcake. My wine isn't ready to drink yet
so we will have wine from my mom's collection (she belongs to a wine club) something red.
No not the clock, it's worth spending time to find, it has a very prize with it.
Happy Easter to everyone and hope you can all spend time with family.

We are heading to the outlaws for our traditional easter egg hunt with the plastic eggs which Grampa fills with cash for the kids!

Dinner will be the standard fare with ham and all the fixins and the wife made two new desserts:

Mascarpone Cheesecake with AlmondCrust and Chocolate-Ricotta Pie.
Easter is a big church, family and friends time for us, Thursday service at
church, eat out with friends on Friday, Eat in with friends Saturday
(Roasted Vegetable and Couscous salad with Harrisa dressing... I'll post
the recipe on the food thread, Strawberry Meringue with raspberry sauce,
whiipped cream and chocolate shavings) Sunday church (of course) with
loads of chocolate afterwards and then Italian Columba cake.

Had my niece come over for Saturday. That was neat!

Wine wise, it was a little simpler. Opended the first bottle of Cranapple
(bulk aged from October, bottled early March) Very dry, not ready,
although the bottle got finished pretty quick. Also a bottle of VR Chilean
Merlot (bottled early March. Also not ready.)

Watched a couple of movies. The best of them was "Dear Frankie" and
uplifting story about a deaf boy being raised by his mother and his need
for a father.

Life doesn't get much better. Shame I had to come into work this
Better late than never. Well, Saturday I worked, makin' people pretty is hard work! Sunday, early church service, then everyone over at our house for fajitas (ckn, beef, veggie), queso, chips, quacamole, hummus, pitas, cheesecake, ice cream cake, banana pudding, strawberry cake, iced tea, lemonade and wine, wine, wine!! There was a little something for everyone. Very non-traditional this year. It was fun to mix it up.

Big egg hunt w/ cash and candy for the kids!